Erm, just to start things off.. Life's been pretty good :D
So yea.. Throughout july and mid august was mainly used to study, project work and of course the end of the semester exams. So yea, Exams went well. But I didn't had a good feeling about my results (My results are further down this post).
So after the exams, I went to EE's nature trip to tioman!! Had a great time snorkeling and hanging out with my AVT peeps and Mahathir (Sorry, you're not in AVT. HAHA). Also along with new friends I've made throughout the trip!
The cool peeps were Noel, Syaf, Jasmine, Amirah, LiWen, WeiYi, Mat, Agus, Irfan, Sherlene and WeiBin!) :D And.. These are the awesome people that I stuck with throughout the trip!
Was in the group with Marcus, Ahmad, Sufyan, Rio, Nathalie, Syaf and WeiBin!
I was in the group "Ironman", it was an Avengers themed camp.
This was ironman!! (Taken from my Mac)

And yea, other than these few activities, I've basically hung out everyday, jamming or just plain slacking around. Haha!
Alright, now for my results.
My first semester module results and GPA are as follows...
Computer programming: B+
Engineering Math 1: A
Electronic Technology: A
Engineering Mechanics: AD
Idea Jumpstart: B+
Multimedia Authoring: AD
Sport And Wellness: PX
Overall GPA: 3.8636
When I saw these results in the morning.. I just went.
I'm so happy I made my parents proud and even surprised myself!!
So yea.. Not much else to update other then my feelings..
Yes, same girl again for the past 2 years, I'm so emotionally confused..
I should probably move on..
And yea, apparently, Syaf told me a lot of girls kinda like me..
But I don't and I don't know how to react to all these.. Gosh.
And I'm proud of the fact that I've been to friday prayers every week ever since poly started :D
I hope this continues and I'll pray as much as I possibly can! :B
And yea, Montfort bros chalet in the coming week. Will post about that later.