Sorry, been really busy recently and not to mention no one
reads my blog. Unless you're a stalker!
Anyway, last friday was my passing out of NCDCC,
Lemme tell you, having something the means world to you and being forced
to stop doing it. Its heart breaking. It really is.
In sec 1, i just joined this cca thinking its nothing as it had a "gay" reputation in
my school. But i found out it isn't just like any other uniformed groups.
The seniors and my squadmates i got to know made it worthwhile for me
to go to every training thinking "I'm going to have fun today".
This spirit never died even till now. Although there is only 13
of us left out of the original 30 or 40 so people.
I can gladly say we are all bonded. Despite each other's personal dilemma and
difficulties, despite our differences, we are in fact All minds one heart.
I also met a lot of different people throughout my 3 years and 7 month journey in this cca.
I met the really dedicated people and met the Cannot-be-bothered people too.
When the Cannot-be-bothered people ask me why am i so dedicated, I am always
proud to say that I love this cca. Full stop.
I also met the greatest people and also the total assholes.
So during POP day. I was damn hyped up for the parade. But also i had this
tinge of sadness that it was all going to be over. This almost 4 year journey
that helped shaped my life to where i am now, its going to come to a stop..
"What will we do now every friday afternoon?"
"Will i meet you all again under this circumstances?"
"This is the last time that i am wearing the blues, I better cherish it"
All this went through my mind.
Soon, the video presentation started.
No offense to the sec 3s but honestly the video could have done
more work. However, I am still very thankful for everything.
From the picture gift to the board to let everyone sign onto.
It was really touching. Some stating that they want me to return to NCDCC as a CLT.
Some saying they will miss me and my corny jokes so they could understand certain things
in the cca. Overall i am very touched by what they said and it really put a smile onto my
face. Really it did.
After the parade and the tossing of the berets and the chaos of the
post passing out parade. We all went back to the room to change.
A few of my sec 3s cried and reason being that the sec 4s will all be gone.
I just told him, its now your turn to carry on the legacy, its no longer my duty.
Don't cry because we're gone, be happy that its now your turn to take over the
best role ever.
But once the doors were closed and all the sec 4s in.
The sadness aura was felt. Gerard and ZhangLin was beside me.
I can tell they didn't want this too like i did.
Soon, some of us teared. I cried.
Me and Timothy was really crying.
(You can be immature and call us gay because i don't really care)
We were comforting each other.
We all didnt want this to happen.
We were the 13 that stuck together for 3 years and 7 months.
But with thousands and millions of memories that will never be forgotten.
We started talking about the silly things we all did and we went on and on.
After all that, we bid farewell to the room and made our way to compass.
Our hangout spot after every training.
I really had to say goodbye to all this wonderful and saddening memories.
I could not sleep last friday.
NCDCC means alot to me. It sucks to leave.
I miss Arjun, Zhang Lin, Han Jie, Jie Ying, Wei Hong, Eugene, Gerry, Jun Ji,
Gerard, Timothy, Shaun and Kok Kwang.
Pioneer Charlie batch (2007 - 2010)
Regards, Ex- Staff Seargent Dzulkarnain, 2nd Ic Delta Squad.