You know whats fucked up ?
Having a bad cold two weeks ago, then getting fever last week.
Recovering only to have a stupid flu now.
Not to forget parents scolding for something that you can fucking help with.
Only care about money, dont even bother then their son is not feeling well.
Fuck it. I'm going of to sleep.
CNY is around the block ! Ang Pao ! :D :D :D
Was sick on mon, tues and wednesday.
Thks to that, i left late on thurs and couldnt attend my
drum lessons ! D: 5 weeks never go alrd man !!
Stupid medicine , make me drowsy all the time ! D:
Can concentrate of anything at all !
Havent started studying for N levels despite my resolution D:
Anyway, I wish all a Happy Chinese New Year ! :D
Thks Briana :D and Liyana :D ! For listening to my probelms !I am really thankful this wonderful BEST friends that i have ! :D
(Not them only lahh... )
Anyway, someone fell down at the canteen.
So bound by duty, i help him up.
And wow, you should have seen the scratches on him !
So i have to clean his wounds with the help of Darren.
Performance tmr ! Hope i dont screw up man ! D:
Btw, dont waste the chance. Like i did last year. ):