Oh ya, Last Thurs wad my b'dae.
Alright , Happy Birthday to me!
(Crowd goes wild)
haha, That day about 20 messaged me happy birthday.
Alot of facebook , and a few on my blog.
Thks ppl! Didnt know much people care!
But Briana's the best, the wished me a total of 4 times.
HAHA! Dion Messaged Last. ._. Purposely sent last.
Weirdo She. HAHAHA
Anyway, today. Went back to Jing Shan.
Met up with
Syaiful,Rais, Yusri, Chee,
Khairul, Shaifq and TarzaPpl in red wasnt frm my pri school. But anyway.
We went to school early, cannot go in.
So went to 585 to slack.
Did alot of dumb stuff. Freaking Hilarious.
Shafiq go ask auntie wads the time with two watches on his hands.
And alot of other stuff , all of us did i think. HAHAHA
after that The non- JSPS go home , while the rest go back JSPS.
when i went there , first thing i saw.
Anyway, went to alot of old familiar places. Alot of memories .
I missed the time we always bug Mr Ben Lim(Syaiful agrees)
Not to mention, Mrs Arul . HAHA
anyway, I saw Michelle's Little Sista, Irene!
Omg, she went up to me and say, hey, ur my sister the flen rite?
I said, Depends, Whose ur sister?
She say Michelle. LOLS.
Anyway, had an awesome time. Jing Shan still lives in me.
But didnt see my batch of people. Sad.
Today Cca, wasnt so bad lar.
I went off early at 6pm to be in time to break fast.
But am currently quite pissed at one cadet.
One thing, Every Training is important. No matter wad we do.
I told him training is important, hoping he will get the point.
In The End he messaged me. Scolding me.
Saying nothing important during todays training.
And said i forced him to go to cca.
Wth man.
Dude, I dont hate u nor dun like u. its ur attitude.
Anyway, Went through Senario Drill(Mind The Spelling)
And the Parade one last time.
As mentioned, After that went home straight away
And frm now on, Montfort has alot of posers.
Alot alot and Alot of Posers.
I been looking through the internet.
And i found what i really wanted for my Drumset.
This is the Pacific Drums And Percussion wood to charcoal 5 piece with optional add ons! (I am adding on a 2nd Floor Tom ;D)
But it wont be complete without

Paiste PST 3 7 Piece Set Up.
13/14 Inch Hi Hats
16/18 Inch Crash/ Crash Ride
20 Inch Ride
10 Inch Splash
18 Inch China
I know , Alot of money. But i am determined to get it all by
the time i am 18 ;D
So dont go bit*ching about me.
For those who i know who will bit*h about me
I know who have been reading my blog. Those uninvited guests.
I know u by name. Anyway, I have stated my cravings. ;D
Fasting Starts this saturday!
YAY! Means, Money Saving time ;X
Why am i so hyper today?
Okay, get this straight.
That Joke was a simple joke.
it was an inside joke.
yet somehow ur outside friends know?
Why? Maybe cuz of ur big mouth.
U said u wanted to emo. But cuz of this small thing?
U cant go hougang mall anymore cuz u are afriad
that they u keep disturbing and teasing u about it?
So wad kind of friends are those?
And what kind of reputation u have ?
Dont talk crap, and enough with the excuses to be angry at us
I admit, Maybe the joke went too far. But u?
Want to have all this excuses.
saying we are not good friends.
How about u? Snatching another friend's girlfriend?
very good friend eh? And Threaten to slash or cut me?
Bring it. But who will get the worse in the end?
Think about it
People, Wad do u think of this person?
Morning, Parade. Quite simple
In The AfternoonWent out with Randy Goh.
We met at TPY, i had my lunch there.
Then we mrt-ed to Dhoby Ghaut
Then walked went toDaisy rock.
All the way to Bras Besar then to City hall.
Not tiring at all.
Looked around Penninsular then went to Funan.
Apple Shop, i "Drumsolo-ed" At the apple iDrums.
Everyone stared at me ._. Damn Paiseh But WADEVA! ;DDD
We went to Challenger. Then waited for Randy And his friend , Khair.
After that, Went to marina bay to see the Fireworks.
Thn we went home after that. Reached home by 11pm :x
Okay nothing much to talk about now except
Mr Tan talking about the top 10 ppl who really want to study.
I hope i am in the top ten with, Daniel ,Ian, Zul and Jon to name a few.
Today was like damn Fun!
But Feel Sorry for Wei Lun and Zul, Who both reported sick?
I hope its not H1N1 ! >.<
And an guy kept staring at me today. Never offended him in anyway.
Hmm... Maybe he mistake me for someone else?
Idiot.We Went jamming again, with choco chip, Or rather, Jun Kai.
After Jamming we met Randy's Mom, Just me ,Goh and Randy Harris.
At pennin, After that we broke off frm her mom and went to Bras Baser ourselves
Freaking Funny. we did alot of damn stupid stuff. U dont want to know.
After that went home lar. i wont go into details.
And did u know Me And Arjun are Representing NCDCC to bring the
national flag into parade for the upcoming National Day Parade in School?
Totally Cool rite?
Who do u think u are? Can Disturb my Friend Shaun?
U really think u are that damn great?
Lemme see, U have a Slut girlfriend.
Who had Multiple Relationships Behind ur back.
Only dare to Disturb ppl who dont fight back?
Wad are u? A coward ?
I'm telling u to watch out.
The next time i hear a complain from Shaun About u.
You Are Gonna get what is coming to u. And i wont be alone
Looks like everything is fine now.
Did a quiz on facebook, Reminded me alot of my pri school days.
When i was really an angel. An Angel with multiple vulgarities. xD
Anyway, Posted a video up on facebook. I think u all should
really see it. I am sure u cant believe it.
Lemme Give u the link.
Comment on it! ;D