Last Saturday.
I volunteered for the
Shine! Mascot Parade
Its like the coolest thing ever and i had alot of fun
haha, not one moment was boring for me.
But Farah Came! OMG! Zhang Lin Asked her to come ._.
So yah, met alot of great ppl. Sry but i didnt have time to get ur names :p
Sry yah?
Hyperactive Freak! ;D (Nope, i am not gonna change)
Sunday, Didnt do much.
Today , First day in school. Met up with Zul,Randy And Randy Goh
in the morning and we made our way to school. So happy school started again.
another half a year together with 3A3.
But i couldnt Concentrate due to some thing.
I felt happy yet abit miserable. (Dont Bother Asking me , I wont tell)
Dont Feel Guilty Its Really Not Your Fault .
And dont do anything for me, I'll feel bad about it.
MONDAYi went to watch Ghost Of Girlfriend's Past.
Hhaha at first i met Aisyah and Elizabeth at Vivo.
Then suddenly , the rest all cant come ._.
And we brought 4 ticks! ( 1 was for Rosli)
Rosli at first say he can come, Thne last min say cannot come!
So Nvm.
3 of us just watch the movie.
And The Movie was Niceee ;D
Me and Aisyah Kept Teasing Elizabeth for being
H***Y haha! It was so fun. Then We played with the
Coke Bottles we brought in :x. U dunwan to know how we
played with it with each other ._. BUT DONT THINK DIRTY!
so yah, After movie. I brought Aisyah's Overdue Birthday Gift :p
After a while more, We left lor ;D
Past few days, i have be "chiong-ing" my homework
1.) The person who asked me to do .
- Tracy ;D
2.) Your relationship with him or her.
- Sister For 11 Years ALRD! *psst - shes the bully
3.) Your first impression on him/her ?
- Shes Damn Fierce
4.) Your most memorable moment with him/her ?
- That Stupid Ultraman Shit.5.)The most memorable thing you said to him/her ?
- Hi! LOLS!6.) If him/her becomes your lover?
- Eeee! we're too close to become like that.7.) If him/her becomes your lover , what would you like him/her to improve on ?
- wad did i say?
8.) If him/her becomes your enemy , what will you do ?
- We'll be back together in an eyeblink9.) If him/her becomes your enemy , what will be the reason ?
- hmm , the ultraman thingy.
10.) The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now are:
- Give her her B'dae gift ;D11.) Your overall impression on her/him:- Bully!
12.) The characteristic you love most about yourself:
- Me ? Super Hyper and fun to be with ;D 13.) The characteristic you hate most about yourself: - my uber Deep voice 14.) The most ideal person you want to be is :
- Hozefa.
15.) For people that care and like you, say something to them:
-AWW Thks Guys ;D
16.) Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you: (You can dont do if you dont want to^^)
1. Tracieeeee ;D2. BRIANA! ;DD3. Hui Juan ;D4.Erra! 5. Syaiful =D6.Shazlyn Smurf! ;p
7. Dion! 8. Rais9. Baby Johnathan!
10. ASD Rocker Sherwin ;D
17.) Who is 6 having a relationship with ? Shazlyn- Shes Single .
18.) Is 9 a male or female ? Jonathan
- Male
19.) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing ?
-LOLS Dion and Sherwin... hmm.. Maybe. Just maybe.
20.) What is 2 studying at the moment ?
- i dunno?
21.) When was the last time you had a chat with 3 ? Hui Juan
- i am now ;D
22.) What kind of music does 8 like ? Rais
-Rocker Dude 23.) Does 1 have any siblings ?
- i not that sure..
24.) Will you woo number 3?
- Hmm.. YESH YESH! ;D25.) How about 7 ? Dion
- HAHAH! Hmm.... Yep Yep ;D
26.) Is 4 single ? Erra
- I not that sure...
27.) What's the surname of 5 ? Syaiful
- Malay Has no Sirname28.)What's the hobby of 5 ? Syaiful
- hmm. listening to his David Archuletta
29.) Do 5 and 9 get along well? Syai And Jon
- They Dont Know Each Other30.) Where is 2 studying at ? Briana
- Pei Hwa, Why nver come Montfort ?! LOLS31.) Say something casual about your eyes :
- Dark Brownish32.) Have you tried developing feelings for 5 ?
- NO! He is my brother for 7 years. Not even once i did that33.) What colours does 4 like ? Erra
- Err... Pink ,White?
34.) Are 5 and 1 good friends ? Tracy and Syai
- Ya, i think they do know each other?35.) Does 7 like 2 ? Dion And Briana
- YES! Their like Sisters ;D36.) How did you get to know 10 ?
- really got to know him in sec 2. Fellow Rocker Babe ! 37.) Does 1 have any pets ? Tracy
-Shes a pet herself, LOLS!38.) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world ?Dion
- want me to lie? 39.) How is 4 related to you ? Erra!
- Shes the Helmet! My Best Friend ;D 40.)Describe 6 .
- Shes Damn Cute and Like the most mature
13 year old i have ever known!
Hey, SNCO Course is over alrd.
I am an SNCO ;D
but i am still feeling dissapointed for not getting best trainees ):
but nvm, Being an SNCO is gd Enuf ;D
CLT Neilson was right, I did teared after my grad, grrr
OMG, i will miss november!
I will Miss.. (The fellow SNCOs)
Aisyah. (Best ;D)
Rosli (stupid father name player)
Nasrul (Apa Satu Bola?)
Asyraf( father name player as well..)
Elizabeth (Crazy Gal ;D)
Alvin (Chipmunk! )
Clio (Best In Practical (Congrats) )
Bacolour Bryan (Colourful xD)
Timothy Tan (Laughing Buddy)
Sit Nur
BAYAKhumaira (Pervert -_-)
AFISAFI Zulhafiz!AFI Timothy!AFI Saleem!CLTSCLT FadzlurCLT Ying JieCLT Shawn (Or Ying Bing)CLT HizwanAiya, Basically EVERYONE frm NOVEMBER!!!! (Cant remember all of ur names >.<)
I will Also miss. (Non November)
(Best best friends ;D)
Hui Juan (H J Tan ;DD)
Raj (Mr Temasek Sec hahah)
CHIJ Katong Peeps (I KNOW u all love me ;D)
Zhi Yuan (Brothers Dude.)
Syaril (So wad if u have my pic in fs?)
Amos! (Strongest Little dude ever!)
Shafiq (Power uh?)
Rabiah (Fainter)
CLT Cheryl
CLT Billy
CLT Michal
CLT Shafiq
CLT Nasrul( Where my badge?)
CLT Neilson(yes, suprisingly i do)
AFI Ashley (Are u still an AFI?)
AFI Kevin (Super Muscular Guyy)
Okay! Everyone is missed ;D
Sry if i forgotten u kay?
2moro is the last day for SNCO.
First Day was kinda quiet as we didnt know each other.
Haha, I am In
NOVEMBER!!!! Then i knew the standard needed to be
given. Whoa uh. And i knew that my PC Was AFI Saleem and Timothy
and APC Was CLT Rizwan , Ying Jie And Fadzlur
Second Day In LT 1 AFI Shahir Called my name in front of
alot of ppl. I tot i did something wrong.
Then the next thing i knew, i was given the Orange and White Lanyard
And i was the COS of the day. I personally think me and Andrew(BOS)
was the ones with the most stress other then the rest as tuesday
was until 9pm and had the CD Knowledge people.And i was know as the
Butik Boy as i said Buka Barisan Wrongly ):
Third Day Was the most Slacky I day i think?
DID form a Bond on that day, We started to know each other.
Like Monday , it was in LT1 The Whole day, Kinda Hard to stay
awake. But i DID ;D
Fourth Day Today We Did our MOI and Gold Footdrill Assesment.
For MOI i think i did well, Only that my slide has some probelms
For Footdrill Gold, i think i did badly for teaching the commands. Argh
So yah..
I will totally miss november! Argh! I will miss every single one of u all.
And i wish this will nver end but unfortunaty it will wont it?
so... I hope we will meet up again someday. ;D
oh! And and!! AFI SALEEM U ROCK!!GO NOVEMBER!!!!! ;D
Today i went to cut my hair...
So yah. I waited for Rais then he bring me to
the place lurhs..
Then i ask for all spike.(As u all wanted me too)
Then the guy say okay..
But then turned out to be more of a mullet -_-
NVM lar (:
After that Met up with Syaiful at his house as he was moving house.
So we carried some of his things to there.(it was in amk)
Help did some things and we went off to the movies.
Watch Terminator. It Was quite good!
But! After the movie, I ran out of the place as it was...
Then i went out, There was a staff closing the door to the theathre.
Then i just glance at him to see wad he was doing?
S :The Guy D: Me S : Eh, Wad stare?D: I stared at u ?S: cb,u not happy is it?D: WTF , i just glanced at u and u said i was staring?Get ur Facts right before u anyhow shoot.S: U finished the movie right? Then Go away?D: I am going off now right? Cannot see?i walked off after this
then he came up to me again
S: Eh u not happy is it?D: Asking Obvious is it?S:EH cb ... Some malay stuff which i didnt understandThen sum one cut him off and ask him to go back to workS: Later 6 o clock come and settle arh. D: Why? U want me to waste me time?Bloody hell man... Freaking pissed with this thing.
This is the probelm is the young people now.
Too much pride.
The Poll Has been tallied (or wadeva that is supposed to be spelt)
The Highest one is
All Spike2nd is Botak.
And 3rd is mullet (Why am i not suprised?)
So i shall cut all spike since u peeps
beg me too ;D
I woke up at like 545? yawns.
The ATC was totally unlike mine last year
My ATC was totally noisy?
That had to pump us to a ratio of once every one hour?
This ATC freaking Quiet? I was the SNCO Helpers there?
It was totally boring cuz we get to do nothing lar.
I had a cold so i had to bring my nose inhaler with me.
Which i was well known for during atc ;D
My Group, honestly, i felt that they can do really good.
but they just dunwan to have the iniciative to do so
was really dissapointed in my group.
Oh Well
SNCO Course is just next week >.<
OMG i am like soo gonna wan to go.
Gonna have to wake up at 5am everyday ):
But Is It Worth it? i say.....
People..I'm Gonna need to cut hair for my must be short.So i will have a poll.Choices1st: Mullet ;D2nd : All Spike :D3rd : Botak :)So ppl.Pls tag me for ur yah. Pls Vote ;D
Hey People.
Got my results back ;D
Everything passed
1st in class
and 13/128 ppl in my level!
Hows that for a person in 3A3?
But i need to score higher.
I am quite Dissapointed in my result.
On Sat We Had the Parade.
It went totally well!!!
Except for the Supporting Con's Marching In
When i was in the parade. And i saw CPT Pang receiving the Gold Award.
Damn, i was trying soo hard not the smile.
So After the parade. I took pics with like alot of ppl.

Me With BSSS peeps (: (Shorty Aten , Gundo Zafirah And Brave Huda)

Justin With Farah

Me With that Hyperactive freak! (:

Kayaking Idiot! (We are all 2 Stars!)
Was the MFSS NCDCC BBQ!!!!
Asked Some people frm Outside if they wanted to come.
but all dunwan ):
So yah, Morning had training.
Blah.... quite a boring one.
Then Had Lunch And Everyone Changed to Home clothes
I wanted to wear skinnies with Zhang lin But then it was too hot
so i pang sei-ed him to wear short ;D i am also the photographer of the day
due to bringing to best camera compared to the rest.
so i took about 200 plus photos (Alot)
and like had one of the best BBQ EVER!!!!!
We all went home happy.
P.S The Amazing did not worked as planned