Hey People
i gonna have school camp for the next 4 days
so dont sms or call me..
and dont miss me peep (:
U know who u are (:
This Post is an apology.
I shouldnt have done the things i did to u.
i shouldnt have "tackled" u
Although u kept poking fun at me, for no apparent reason
Btw. I nver claim to be a "good boy" in class
i never was.
I guess i just lost a good friend?
a good friend that helps (sumtimes)
when i needed some advice.
So, i am sorry..
i dont expect u to forgive me .
its was just my "inner demon" unleashed
i had totally no control over me at that time. i dont know why.
so my apologies.
WOW.... I so freaking tired recently...
Wed Had the cd knowledge course.
it ended at 200
so had to cancel my drum lessons on that day)':
Thur And Today.
had GOH training. FREAKING TIRING!!
i wore the same uniform for the last few days -_-
soooo smelly ):
Today me KK and Firdaous Stayed back after GOH training
DOING ABSULUTELY NOTHING!!!! AT ALL!!!! i wanted to sleep
but cannot. )):
so well. the grad went quite well...
Met alot of friends that i made other the past 2 years in NCDCC(All SNCOs now)
they all asked the same question:" Why u didnt come to march SCNO course?"
then i was like :" I dunno. My Sir Didnt Choose me to go for the March Course"
Then after this , they were like :" Okay. So wasted, if not it will be more fun"
so sad. I knew almost half of the SNCOs There.
Then Nurul and Aten Wanted to take photo with me.
I was damn reluctant to do so. But CPT Pang Forced me!! )':
For Aten I didnt mind, shes Nice (:. But For Nurul i did. dunno why.
Dun really liked her that much....
btw i was damn happy for Shaun, Tim , Gerard and Zhang Lin
cuz like my friend mah (:
Hey ! I just buy a drumset!!!
HAHA its the Gretsch Blackhawk.
Cool Aint it?

All for 1150 dollar!(i know its ex)
but it cheaper compared to other drumsets
F.Y.I to officers..
any parades that needs the bass drum for the double beat.
Joking. can use one. ((:
Oh And Sorry yah?
Pls Forgive me.... Didnt meant it as such...
Last Friday We Went to Yishun Fire Station. (HQ 3rd Division)
We went there to do IPP and for the test for our hazmat badge (:
We did practical first, Although both groups didnt put it up well.
no smoke went in, thus all passed.
then we went in the room again this time with out the protection
No many smoke went in, so my group opened the doors and windows.
And This was the results

SGT Kok Kwang SGT Gerard SGT Shaun and SGT Eugene(If i'm not wrong)

SGT Tim And SGT Arjun

SGT Dzul(ME!)
Fun lars.
then the therory turned out to be oral exams.or sumwhat like that
so yah all pass. I got 19/20(thats wad LTA Irwan said)
So yah Today was fun lar!
Today school is boring... really nothing much happened
So far, this week i have yet to be scolded by any teachers((:\
So skipping school.....
To Drumming School!!!!!!
Yeah Today played half a song called "Stay With Me" By
Michael Lington. Its a jazz song. and its like sooo cool
with the saxophone or sumthing.
So Far can only play half of it ...
One Drumfill always got probelm playing with the song
but without the song i can do...Weird Uh??
I'm Waiting for that Pearl Drums now.....Rwars.....Lols
i just ordered the shirt to be made
so by end of march we will have it.
If U wan the designs get it from my MSN (: