Don't even try it hoggy.
Friday, February 27

Today Morning.
I practice shouting "Baris sedia" Cause i was chosen to give command
But In the end, cuz the field is too wet, the school seperated into 3 diff places
My place, No Teachers so Mr Ng Asked me to Lead the workout.
I tried but in the end all i got was more humiliation. My Classmates all
laughed at me.....i totally lost my mood, For the whole day I kept quiet
totally didnt say anything to anyone at all.
Then By Training time i got back my mood, My Squad Has a totally different attitude
now after the camp. We All did footdrill and then Cpt Pang Asked me,Arjun and Hanjie
to take some food to share with the rest of the squad.i took pictures (:
Heres to studying.

And Here's to eating (:

after that did our Hazmat Test,
It was suprisingly easy....(i will say that until i get my results back)
then we did footdrills again, we all took turns to say commands. It was fun sabo-ing
each other ((:
After Training,The Results were out for who will go to the Snco Course in march
Its Not Me, I'm Sad, But i am happy for Zhang Lin,Shaun,Timothy and Gerard
as they are the first four to go to the SNCO course In March.
Hopefully, I go to the one in June....

Sunday, February 22

Back From Camp. (: MONTFORT NCDCC IS A GOLD UNIT!!!!!!!
I sumhow now miss the camp,because of my fellow squadmates
Okay i'm gonna blog bout the camp now.

Day One:
We Fallen In By 400pm
First thing was bag inspection.
That Went By Fine.
I Volunteered to be the IC for the day.
Then it was a team building game
We had to make a structure to prevent an egg from cracking
when it was dropped from 7-feet,our group survived 3 drops.
I Guess the Sirs cannot believe it. They dropped it for a 4th time(The structure was
badly damaged) And the Egg cracked. But nvm, we got through 3 times
when the other team nver survived an egg drop.(:
then we were asked to jion the rest of NCDCC for awhile.
And Guess Wad...NCDCC's First Ever Evaluation(Mind the spelling)
MONTFORT IS A GOLD UNIT NOW!!!!With 3 other schools(Admirality,Coral and
One More i cannot remember) Then after that piece of great news, we got another one
We were asked to take part in the NCDCC annual Parade, We will take up
most of the spots for the male GOH. Means we'll be wearing the number one again!!!
Some man wear it only once a lifetime,I most likely wear it 2 times in 2 years!!!!
Now Isnt that something???
After the Debrief, We went to Change into LONG 4s and set up camp while having dinner
All under 45 mins..!!! Then we did Search And Rescue.
Honestly after the whole thing.I felt that we really needed some people to work
cuz i can tell they all just waiting to just carry the strecher,why cant they remember their
basic rescue and even first aid???
And During the "campfire" we found out that montfort ncdcc is becoming a more
stable unit, We Got Our Own ASM and CSM pacesticks.(:
no more burrowing from NCC .
Day 2
It was a whole day, We Woke up at 600pm to do PT
Then We did our MOI , I did IPP TheorY, i should cut down on my
singish but overall i did very good(As Said by CLT Pradeep)
We Changed to half-u and did footdrill for like 5-6 hours??
i rmb we started at 1pm and did footdrill/Sliver Footdrill test till sunset,
AND WE PERFECTED OUR ONE BANG(For every drill that needed a bang)
,now we must keep it constant (My Group)
Then we did Confined Space Rescue, I was the casualty
great job guys!!! U Rescued Me (: After that we had dinner and slept
ad nine.
Day 3
We Woke Up Today ad 3am!!!!
And went for a hike ad mount faber but it has a senario,
it states that Singapore is being under attack,by other countrys
and that we are being informed on the way,
we didnt do to well for the whole thing.
We hiked/Trekked for 5 hours and went back to school
we cleaned up everything and went HOME!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

I Felt like i wasnt the same as before(sec 2)
I felt more mature, More Caring ,And More Honest
I Believe the people that tried hardest in the whole camp was
Timothy,Gerard, Zhang Lin, Han Jie, Shaun , Gerry ,Johnathan
,Arjun and Me
and to Kok Kwang and Wei Hong, U can do it one
have confidence in your ownselves. okay?
i kept on caring for my squadmates regardless whether the
officers knows it or not, Cause its about motivating the team to carry
on, I know the guys are tired, and so am i.
Hopefully Majority of my group gets chosen for SNCO course
and i believe Johnathan Should be Given a Chance ad it too
He was the MVP for the group throughout the whole camp (in my point of view)
SO yah after the camp i felt sooo alive!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19

Hey People.
I'll be going off for camp for 3 days
Fri Sat And Sunday,
so obviously i wont be online so dont ask about this.

Btw CLT Caleb is coming to the 2-star kayaking...
should i be happy or sad?

Btw Dont Miss Me :D
And Wish me luck to get chosen for the SNCO course!!! ((:

Wednesday, February 18

Ytd ,it was funny during the hall assembly..
There was a show .
they asked for volunteer, the pl sit beside,behind and infront of me
all point ad me. Cause i noisy mah.
Then when my turn came everyone frm the 3NA stream shouted
OMAR OMAR OMAR OMAR till i was done.(Omar is my father's name)
Today Funny frm start of day,
I 5.30 wake up, i tot 6.30,
i chieong go bath and prepare for school, Alamak my auntie wake up
and say its only 5.45!!!i was liek sooo pai seh.
so yah... school boring,

But got one probelm, this guy in NT is really starting to
ruin my stuff...Now he wants my to pay 20 dollars for his shirt
which i drew a small line on and the shirt only costes like 14 dollars???
but nvm i will out think this...

Oh and Thks To .Kok Kwang Chee Yang and Rigina for helping (:
really appreciated it

Friday, February 13

Today i got promoted!!! YAY!!! SGT NOW!!!
Today was our school's total defence celebration
the actual parade was oaky .... EXCEPT I ALMOST FELL
WTF and to add on to that i was half an hour late due to
a bad stomach upset/pain... when i wore my boots my gutter suddenly dissapeared
.....friday the 13th....blueks
then during recess went to see MR/CPT Pang to get form for the
2 star kayaking trip..and like last year's NCDCC Melaka exchange trip
i'm going alone ): but its okay i get more exposure(;
Skipping till cca
LTA Hozefa Gave us an headache.....
we did alot of things
first we were blindfolded and stood on a groudsheet and could not talk
only one person was not blinded. then we were supposed to flip the groundsheet
without stepping out of the sheet.only the one not blindfolded could talk..HARD!
second was the confined rescue thingy...
we had to crawl though under tables and CHAIRS! under weird positions
and water bottles(BOMBS) were put in ways that if it dropped the rescuer dies
Zhang Lin Went in first and he immediately make a bottle drop...
i was next and happened to go through it (i am bigger then Zhang Lin)
but still failed the whole thing
next was our promotion parade (:
They called my name last!!!Before i was called, I was like thinking...
am i getting promoted at all??..
then my name was last? i was like thinking FINALLY!!!
And i am glad that It was LTA Irwan that gave me the rank.

Cuz he always supported me and the rest of the squad
when we were sec 2 and till now i can tell he still is.
So ya Zhang Lin And Timothy Donned on the rank on for me and i did the same to them
and man was i ever proud to wear them.
When it was on me, it felt like alot of responsibility just resting apon my shoulders
so it was heavy....
After that CPT Pang said alot of praises of us(Unit)
and after that i passed the gift
that we (me,Han Jie,Shaun,Gerry,Kok Kwang and Zhang Lin)
brought for him as a birthday gift and we sang the birthday song for him..

haha. overall today was one of the best training i ever had.

Thursday, February 12

Tomorrow is the promotion day WE(the sec 3s)
have been waiting for !!!!
Almost all of us are going to be seargents!!!!
yes the 3 striped arrows!! ((:
then after school.....
i went to hougang there to pick up my pants
then i banged into Azad Fauzi Zul etc.
so i slacked with them lors
i did alot crazy things
haha but i dont think i wan to tell them
slacked until 6.30 then went home
but when i was in Hougang Mall
Mr/CPT Pang called me to ask whether
i wanted to represent montfort in the
2 star kayaking expedition, i immediately
accepted.....CUZ I LOVE KAYAKING!!!!!<3
lols but only from montfort to go ):

Wednesday, February 11

Today was kinda...
it was a regular day bahs....
morning wake up at 600am sharp!(i slept at 900pm ytd)
then reached school at 653 am??around there bahs
cuz got the total defence march in rehalsal
then mass workout....alot of paiseh moments :P
then school..... boring lars...
after school go Hougang mall with the "gang"
(Azad,Naza,Fauzi,Randy and Zul)then we met Shafiq
halfway throughout the "slacking period"
then i left early cuz got drums (:
during drums....I was better then last week
can do 16 beat drum-fills.. but i got a probelm
of forgetting the notes as soon as i turn away to....
this is a big probelm...
its not that i cannot read but its that i cannot rmb it!
but i learned that the snare is named after the metal string
thing with tiny metal balls through out the whole string!
interesting aint it (:

Thursday, February 5

Today was Boring!!!!
School = okay okay
I played batminton with Ian,Johnathan,Louis And Sandeep
then i served , the shuttlecock hit Sandeep's Turban
right on the bun!!!! SOO FUCKING FUNNY !!!!
but he threw th3e batminton racket ad me...
After school provided first aid for the Rubgy Team
its was okay okay....
Mr Singh was kind and funny
but i dont think i wan make make him angry
cuz when the first half of the match
the rugby team was down 5-10
Mr Singh Motivated the team during half time.
but in the end we won YAY!
then after tat go home
revised my hazmat notes for 2moro's test
and prepared my uniform yay?

Wednesday, February 4

Today is normal day in school...
Morning Take Temperature
Tio Implicated by Royston for
playing with the teacher's name
which i didnt do anything...
During Temp Taking Venka
say alot of things about Sandeep's Turban
then physics test......
then recess.... Nothing much
after that CLB class...
We Play Truth and dare(lame rite)
cuz class was boring
My ass got kicked by Phacharawat (A.K.A Boss) for doing
sumthing my friends dared me to do
then after school waited for like 50 mins for Shaun
cuz Cpt Pang wants me to do first aid for the rugby match 2moro
with shaun.Acually i supposed to do it with Gerard but he cant make it
so yah. I left my phone on a table....
Ms Rashidah Took It and passed to Mr Pang!!
when i got the form, Shaun talked alot of crap
hahaha he is taking after me =X
so yah 2moro first aid... 5 plus then go home ):
i just have to rmb the ankle bandaging!

Monday, February 2

today during school boring...
still cannot understand wads going on for chemistry
Social Studies is a disaster...
My class is a catastrophe...
i got a feeling i am staying back in sec 3 ):
cuz of my class.....
wtf sia...