Today went to Jusco Mall( i tink its called that)
in JB
boring lar............
hmm.... went to look for drumsticks....
but like cannot find too bad 4 me
my mom agreed to let me learn how to
play the drums those rock bands types
soo cool..
btw if u know anything about basic drumming
pls tell me......
thks u in advance.........if u tell me lars
then go about walk here walk there
boring lar.....
got one restaurant
the service KANASAI
one dish takes them more the 30 mins to prepare
when my family enter the restaurant at 2.30pm
we left at 400 pm
all because waiting for the food
even the drinks take 20 mins
after that........
see them peeling coconuts
lemme show u pics
this guy will chop of majority of the husk of the coconuts

then another guy will use a metal sumthing to "peel" out the edible part of the coconut
when done it looks like a ball made of the coconut flesh with the juice inside
on the way back to s'pore
i fell sick with most probaly indigestion and diearror (dunno spelling)
so weak even just walking the littlest step
makes me very tired
hopefully i get well soon if possible by 2moro
today was boring.....
this morning i woke up suprisingly at 9am
even on a saturday ....
usally i would wake up at noon or near that time
oh well on of the greatest wonders of the world
then followed parents to go tekka there
eat the thosai ^_^ usally go there so nice
espacially their masala chicken
well my results areant so bad .....
but i am unhappy at the "system"
ii dont get it
those ppl that dont do well get to go to
those higher classes while those that did well go to
low classes, the system is screwed i tell u
any way
today celebrated my grandma's B'dae
its a simple one....
just cake and food .....haha
since my grandma hate extravagent things
but no photos
i not that photo obsessed or sumthing
recently my com broke down
so cannot use com.....
i guess ur wondering how i can blog
....i'm using my laptop (i'm not rich)
its not really mine....
but ya got my results and my sub combo
got wad i wanted for the sub combo
but the class was okay except for
that some assholes are going to the same class
with them i think we cannot concertrate on
my work fucking assholes........
oh well no more school liaoz
no need cut hair.....
i letting it grow....... ^_^
no more haircut and i dont care about the
CLT POP i just not cutting my hair ^_^
Today boring lar
whole day stay ad home....
so play com lor.....
2moro i no school.....
but after that 3 more days then
bye bye liaoz time to look back....
when i was in the class first person i know
(which wasnt from 1a1) wad Afro Boy Jarett
irritating lar (that time i dunno wad was XL)
then i soon learn how to XL
my "master" Sherwin Seah
until now XL ppl till so bad.....
then i made really good friends lar
or got to know them better(didnt know them well in 1a1)
like Thomas,Don,Daniel,Sherwin,Azad,Zulhilmi,Cheston And Justin Seow
too bad we all getting year
last 3 days in school....must cherish it
oh well thats life...
life nver goes the way u want it 2 be....
Btw watched the F1 China Grand Prix
the result are.....
1ST Lewis Hamilton
2ND Felipe Massa
3RD Kimi Raikkonen
lewis is in the lead to winning the championship
Today hav training lars
damn tired wake up early
then reached there
Xia Lan Kok Kuang
lol regret ar
note 2 self
nver XL KK again
then training we learn to shout out
full command for the turns
so ya abit easy once u get the concepts
^_^ Sliver Footdrill here i come !!! lol
2day we like not serious lol
then joke here joke there
do PT like bo lat so long nver do PT liaoz
must train train! :D
then like do Footdrill also we not serious
Zhang Lin keep playing
CCB that fker go purposely kick me when doing
Footdrill i cant sit well now
when is he ever going to change
everytime play play
nver serious
nvm that
later then we rested like
have our own time to ourself
then i took out my phone then
took pics of the sec ones
he looks weird but fun 2 be with lol

Relax Lar Bharat! :D

Then after training i saboed Fazlur do Push Ups
he do Push ups we pour sugar on him haha
see see damn funny

Kinda Bullied him
haha This is wad Montfort NCDCC Charlie 2007
do 2 juniors hahhahahaa
then go home bath play com
then sleep
sooo tired
later cannot sleep lar -_-
today morning the sun soo fine
i took the sun rising (sort of)

but earlier the sky was purple o.o

those picture are boring lol
today school damn fun
before recess me , Sherwin ,Randy and Thomas XL battle
fight until Shafiq jioned for a while lolx
then after recess was Lit but we forced to read
so... boring
then after teacher left whole class go SIAO
Fauzi Bully Shafiq until he fucking leg pain
then tau poked 2-3 ppl not sure WE all
jump here jump there
man 2A3 2008 rocks
2 bad we getting seperated next year T_T
haiz so sad lar
go home that time when i reached the bus stop
IT RAINED!!! i was soo freaking wet that when i reached home
there was water dripping frm my shirt and shorts
haha crazy weather
2moro got training
confirm tio pump alot for small reason by
Shiny SND (only me and Justin know this)^_^
prepared Uniform and Boots.....
since the sec 4 left
Shiny made the cca
frm a fun cca we look forward 2 coming
to a boot camp which
small thing can pump till alot
today got the full results
but cannot rmb the thing so....
but frm next year onwards school
starts frm 800am!!!
i sooo used to the 8.30 am thingy
now they want to change
now i prefer Mr Simen stays
..... oh well... wad to do i'm not the
ppl who make decisions
today Sherwin Intro me
Combat Arms
wahhh fuckin fun sia
more fun then that lame soldierfront
always lags
this one wont lag
this are my choices for the Subjects for next year
Principals Of Accounts 2nd
Design And Technology 1st
Arts 3rd
I choosen Geo over history
i know Michelle wont belive this XD
But ya i cannot rmb those history thingy
HUANG DEHAO U FUCKING IDIOT i have tahan u for the last timefucking no lifenerd, act big so of a bitchnothign to do dont fucking spam my blog AR!ccb u better be reading thisu fucking watch out 2moro GD Lar u retain sec 2u fucking deserve it
Today okay okay lar
know more results so far
Eng P2:33/50 (highest) ^_^
History:cant rmb lol -_- but i rmb its 60 marks plus
Maths P1 + P2 =50/100 (lucky)
Lol okay hopefully all pass
but i know i will fail art one
and maybe literature -_-
change Blogskin 2
the other one 2 plain lars
this one better ^_Just now during Lit class
the whole class was fucked up lol
scold here scold there
XL here XL there hahaha
funny hope tomorrow same thing happen ^_^
But today damn sad
we all found out that Mr Simen
is leaving Montfort as its Principal
i dont want me to leave
i am going to miss his half days
which normally just happened
During His 8 years In Montfort
he changed the starting time to 8.30 am
introduced the Alternative Uniform
the mass workout and that in school
Lan Centre called the Valor At Montfort
i rmb frm sec one that when he took this
list of complains and crushed it and threw it
aside thats all bravery
and when even we lost all 3 matches
on one day we got the half day as well!
he cooked curry for us 2
which wasnt that nice but hey
the thought was there
He is the Nicest Principal any student could have
always coming into school with a smile
and leaving school with a smile too
But now he is going to Henderson Secondary
Yesterday went 2 Jack's House
then teach him how to XL
i Took a picture of JSPS frm his house
not a bad angle

then go AMK hub Arcade
then go compass....
then go Hougang mall.....
on the way there i saw this

Looks like the Indoor Competition Sports Stadium is about done
hopefully our next few parades will be held there
and not at the Quadragle ^_^
So yea thats about it
i went running just now
my heart was pounding hard and fast
and my left chest was hurting
when i banged into my cuz
he said best to go home
and dont push it
if not there will be some
serious conciquences
am i becoming to unfit
is my fitness deteorating??
i dunno
or is it just occational chest cramps??
i dont know
Today when i looked up the Montfort blog
i saw this

after i did
But if its too much
i may have to quit the one and only cca for me
But hopefully i get to jion the Wrestling
and dont quit NCDCC
I met alot of Wonderful people
pretty handsome ugly etc..
but they are good people
and then some...
okay for those ppl who dont know Chinese
i translate okay??
Today was great!
since there us no more examination!!!
haha i found this great Translator
Frm Eng To alot of languanges ^_^
I starting to like the LOVELESS in Final Fantasy 7 :Crisis Core
Act I:
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky.
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.
Act II:
My Friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess.
Legend shall speak of sacrifice at worlds end.
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely...
Act III:
As the war sends the world hurtling towards destruction
The prisoner departs with his newfound love
And embarks on a new journey.
He is guided by hope that the gift will bring bliss
And the oath that he swore to his friends.
Though no oath is shared between the lovers,
In thier hearts they know they will meet again.
Act IV:
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess.
Hero of the Dawn, Healer of Worlds.
Three friends go into battle
One is captured,
One flies away,
the one that is left becomes a hero.
If we were to enact it,
would I be the one to play the hero,
Or would You?
After all, your glory should have been mine.
My Friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honour remains.
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess.
My Soul corrupted by vengeance,
Hath endures torment,
To find the end of the journey in my own salvation.
And Your eternal slumber.
Now what i want most...
is the 'Gift of the Goddess'...
Act V:
Dreams of the morrow hath shattered soul
Pride is Lost.
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
Such is... the fate of a monster.
Even if the morrow is barren of promises,
nothing shall forestall my return.
If this world seeks my destruction...
... It goes with Me
When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end,
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar,
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting...
Oh man yesterday wad fun ^_^
took two pictures with my baby cuz
this was first shot


When i was online....
my bro Lloyd showed me this!
when i red this i couldn't freaking belive it !!!!
its was SGT Cedric!!! Frm St Pats
damn wad more shit could he get into.....
I went to exercise.... i am soo weak
now i do 35 push ups arm weak
last time can do more then 50 arm then weak
now feel like vomiting.....
Today science was HARD!!!!
i am like why so hard ......
but haha after the exam
i went to Compass eat lunch....
followed Shafiq to meet Justin,Jackson and Harrish
then asked Jackson follow me go
AMK Hub...see I.P Zone for Clothes
then no have.... all my shorts all getting frm
3/4 to normal length shorts!!!
shirt is also getting smaller -_-
then go to the Sportlnk to see but took one
funny picture ^_^ but pls i am not sick
i just needed to unwind....
and also i'm random ^_^

Yay i'm not lonely no more!!!!! wheee
Today didnt have exams
but still.....tomorrow is Science
i have not been doing well for Science
nowadays....hope i buck up more
still very lonely.....T_T
but hey but carry on with life
my friends are getting more fucked up
if this gets worse i am going to move
2 another school......
Today is
yea yea yea.....
going to count my collections later on.....
ltell you on next post yea?
during hari raya
alot of my uncles,aunties, Grandaunties/Uncles all
say i lost weight ^_^
But still no have my buddy to talk to
And Happy Childrens day to all kids
and those who are young at heart or
just dont want to grow up