today had Maths and Literature
wahhh the Lit paper damn difficult!!!
then when the KGB became the invigilator
alot of ppl go "wild" funny sia....
make fun of him and all
but the maths is easier then Expected
but kena penalised
borrowed calculator wihtout asking the teacher
but hopefully wad i did was correct
first time finish all the questions
in a maths paper ^_^
and i wish all muslim friends
today didnt had to go school
i dont need to go to Mother Tougue
exams.....i am CLB!!
but still go to school hand in the art paper thing
so can help us to pass arts....or sumthing
well studied Lit and Maths
for 2moro i cant belvie they put this
2 exams on the same day
haiz wrong choices
so boring .....
no buddy to talk 2.....
so sad......
Today had that F1 RACE!!
wahh wasnt wad i had expected....
the way Massa didnt win!!
but at least Alonso won!
how deserving for a 2 time world Champion
But i still expected Ferrari to win .....
So sad alot of accidents
even Kimi Raikonan (unsure spelling)
The only reason is that the Jammed
Oil Pump in the car!!!!
if not Felipe Massa will win ar....
today went out with
Shafiq and Fauzi
shiok ar.....
went out at 12.....
went to kovan play lan for 3 anna half hours
got owned in Dota....
Ownage in Footman frenzy!!^_^
then go hougang mall slack.....
and i did a noob jumpstyle on the escalator
then go compass point walk here walk there
then i went to my Nenek house
to break fast.....ate botak jones....
the cajun chicken burger nice....
must try it.... if you trust makansutra
then you must trust me ^_^
forget about makansutra
follow the makanZultra!!
Today was the first day of exam!!!!
it wasnt as hard as i thought it was ^_^
then after school went to library to
read some manga called celestial sumthing
got singapore in it one ^_^
then go home lor.....
nothing much happened
but like i am getting sick of my friends
they think that girls with big breast
and a nice body makes a good Girlfriend
which is NOT TRUE!!!!
having a girlfriend on just plain looks
doesnt mean anything in my opinion
Girls are human beings for god's sake
stop being sick lar guys........
But one thing that makes me happy is
the F1 qualifying race!!!!!
sooooo excited !!!!!!
i nver been this excited since GOH
Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
Today is the last day of school befroe exams....
but today in school was fine
Had a batminton open tournament today
didnt pay much attention to it
as i was playing around ^_^
with friends,being hyper
Got tackle *touches the sprained ankle*
well my ankle is better now
the pitures are here
before the open starts

1st match

2nd match

This week is going to be stressful for me....(and maybe others)I am going to study this whole week and wont beonline frm 6-7 pm onwards......those who wish to speak to meSMS me at 93392932 okay?sorry for those who wish to have a listening ear butcouldntbut today in school went finewhen i saw the Montfort Voices(our school yearly mag)i saw myself on the cover in my Number 1 !!!!haha so cool ......rite?
today For the first time in 2-4 years i studied!
then went to geylang serai to buy the
bargu Kurun!?!?! ( i dunno how to spell lolz)
anyway if any of you where wondering
its in a light brown colour
then when i go home
i go cut hair
cut already it looks so freaking ugly!!!!
i look like a nerd lolz
hopefully it grows back faster
so i can dont cut it till next feb haha
damn so embaressing lolz
how to face friends
Today went to malaysia....
With Parent and Grandma and my Cuz
when we were going to malaysia the
traffic was great no jam at all
althought i was suprised to see
SCDF ppl there instead of ICA ppl
for the checking of the trunk
weird ar?
Went to visit my Grandfather's grave
he died 3 months before i was born.....
Then went shopping
i didnt buy much
juz a shirt and a new Deodarent
whew.... no more stinky me!hahah
Today is okay
But its is HOOOTTTTT!!
But my maths teacher
is starting to piss me off
cant belive it.....
I Finished my Deodarent!!!!
now i stink
but then it is not as bad as tanaka
but one thing made me happy
Talking to a friend!!!
U know hu u r...
So far to me she is a
Kind-Hearted, Sweet,Innocent(i dunno bout this)
,Camera Crazy And Cute
hahaha but i cant be sure as i nver really met her be4
but dont get offended as i dont know you on a personal basis
and be so hard on yourself kay?? Sleeping is good....
and there is nothing bad about having eyebags
And i am sorry of Sir Hozefa's Recent passing of his grandma
god bless him and help him to overcome this hard time
as you have helped me through it
today was another HOT DAY!!!
who agrees with me??
if you do tag ya?
so yea so hot
then got tuition after school.....
use my Deodarent finished
want to buy the adidas one.....
the one with the gold covering
that one is good
today wasnt a good day for me.......
i was so sleepy.....
during history class slept....
then slept throughout the whole recess......
then i was fresh for a good 2 hours......
Pe was the last lesson
the sun was SOOOOOOOOOHOT!!!!!i was fasting so i sat on the side....
and i was sweating so strong....
it felt like the flood on my back
when i reached home i took a cold shower....
then crash into my bed!!
slept just before break fast haha
so yea....
I am a Sleepyhead like some one i know
you know who you are !haha
today was a weird day.....
nothing interesting happened today in school
except of a fight......
Sherwin fought with Dehao....
all because of one reason....
1st Dehao kept kicking Sherwin Chair....
then Sherwin made fun of him once then......
Dehao damn Dulan....whack Sherwin....
then Sherwin whacked Dehao until he bleed from his head.....
frm a teachers point of view Sherwin is in the wrong.....
but every Singaporean In class agreed that Dehao Deserves
every single bit of the outcome of the fight.....
In case you dont know.....
Dehao isnt a good guy.....
he is an irritating guy which has nothing to do and that
has to screw up everyone else's day.....
2nd week of fasting went well!!!
but i would like to thank some people who encouraged me to fast
thks for encouraging me bros.....
thks for the cheers Jie!
last but not least.....
LTA Hozefa!!!!
thks for those tips and encouragements
and so far its been spiritual for me as you said so....
and take care on your bangkok trip
today went to AMK hub with Rais and Syaiful....
alot of things happened...
i am not used to boxers ..... but this feels good
now this is wad i am talking about

Haiz today damn boring lar.....
4 me lars....haha..
today slack at AMK hub with Shafiq
then went to hougang mall......
when hougang mall met up with some of my friends.....
damn wad lar.....
i did nothing and got asked to leave the Library.....
next time dont hang with them ar......
oh and
Yesterday and Today had da flu
didnt go school.....
normally i will be happy but this time ....
i am not.....
cause exam is 2 weeks awak frm now
i need help frm someone that can help me study....i cant seem to study.....
afraid get demoted or stay back in sec 2
so yea
someone help me!!!Anything will do
even tips!!!
i am begging here!!!
Today was fun!!!
Although i came training late
okay okay......skipping boring details......
then we had a captainball game.......
the sec 2 lost to the sec 1......
the game was a draw but it went to a sudden death.....
cool eh??
then the sec 1 fought with the sec 3s with help frm Cpt Pang and 2 sec 2s
haha the videos i took are here
this is just the 1st video.
If Sir Hozefa Or Sir Sameer was there
maybe they could make it more interesting and fun
the video i will put it up in the next post....
yesterday almost forgotten to go to tuition.....
no thks to Wei Jian i may have not went for it
well today i went for the quiz.....
when we were sitted down....
i had a terrible gastric pain.....
i had no choice but to break fast.....
can drink some tea and eat something small
to let the pain go away....
i feel like i failed....
but there is still like 2 more weeks of fasting....
so yea not much is lost
but Thks to Mr Ong.....
He helped me to like cure my gastric
but after the quiz the bus already came so
we dont have time to "socialize"
haha so if who know who you are
sorry i wasnt able to speak to you due to time constrains
Labels: Mr Ong is a good T/O
today was fun lar.....
went to AMK central to download games.....
then went to Hougang Point to see Syaiful cut hair.....
on the way back....
Rais said want to go Hougang mall
Little did we know that we were lost when looking for the bustop
(Hard to Explain)
When we reached there....
then Rais say want to go home....
so yea it was fine until it rained....
i hate the rain
Now playing:
Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlifevia FoxyTunes
hey i am back frm Malaysia.....
The pictures i took areant available now......
I forgot to post this the other day...
after thursday nite tuition in school i was on the was home.....
then i met this Guy frm ITE
His name was Arshaf
he told me that he was frm Montfort a few years back....
although he was frm ITE he wasnt those gangster type of ppl......
suprisingly he was the person who tried to stop fights....
he talked about his Secondary school life.....
He said in sec 2 there was 2 ppl who keep fighting....
everytime ppl stop them they were struggling
one time when Arshaf stopped them
he was mis understood by the Vice- Principal
the ppl who fought took 1 stroke......
he took 6 strokes....
becuase the ppl who saw the fight thought
he was trying to get into the fight
he told me he regreted joining ITE....
but wow although he was frm normal tech.
in his class he was the Highest in at Therory
(his class is all Express Student Except for him)
He Insipred me to study now....
so thks Arshaf.......