well i promised pictures...... so here they aare!
Charlie 2007 has matured!!

Me with my Cuz and my Mother

a group photo

todays my Birthday.....
so yea. other then that nothing else happened
Thks for the new Deo my friends
Today school normal lar....
Samuel And Ming Feng whacked me till i couldnt feel my left arm for like 30 mins
Pain ar.....
Then got the briefing......
saying that we have to report to HTA
at 5.45 AM!!!!!wearing full u!!!!
Tomorrows the day.
The last week my Computer broke down so i couldnt blog or do anything else......
but last saturday ......
wad my investigure parade....
I am officially a CPL
haha but i lost 2 badges.......on the road to CPL
The Investigur went smoothly......
everything went accordingly....
although it may have literary rained on our parade.......
the Spirit Never died it was only finding another way out......
that is wad i call the Montfortian Giant.....
the Pictures is in my Fathers Camera.....
i will post it as soon as possible
i am Back Today....Investigure parade Rehalsal.....
okay lar..... But the standard wad not there.....
the sec ones damn slacky......
But after the rehalsal .....tagged along with Fredrick(Our New CSM)
and the Scouts PL David.....
guess wad we did???
they say a picture is worth a thousand words.... so here are Pictures!!!
hey kids strawberrys candy areant quiet wad they used to be ......
David act cool
guess wads 7-11 selling nowadays to kids passing it of as candy
Today went for CPR course....
all frm Montfort Passed
but very pissed off
Some ppl frm Bedok South damn pampered ar.....
Bloody Swines
Canteen make mess want us to clean us for them...wtf
we kena scold because of them wtf....
No disipline at all,Go HQ can wear PT kit.....
they went to NDP with this standard????WTF i cant belive this man.....
But today when going over there we didnt get sticker....
we got a stomp on or hands......
wanna see???

In the end pass....
Wtf still freaking pissed....
Today wasnt of of my best days.....
Didnt feel happy......Felt down in the dumps.....
Haiz......was another boring day in school........
After that got tuition and i broke my deodarent spray can....
Made me happy...... show you the pics
Nice eh??

Got to do KGB a.k.a Towkay's Homework....
Damn my only subject i am worried about is my maths.....
nver passed since i joined Secondary school.......Not even common test.....
Went to AMK Hub with Shafiq,Jackson and Justin.....Had fun
in arcade haha
On the way back home i saw Chee Yang , Syaiful ,Rais and Khairul.....
As usual Chee Yang had weird dreams again.....
I not telling it here as its embaressing to him.....
But still weird and funny.....
Rashes Cure Though.....
Today is NDP !!!!!!! Did the parade and went home lar....
Going to miss squadmates that marched with me...
Espacially .....
Donald,Saifulnizam,Khan,Cedric,Kane,Jerome,Eric,Benjamin,Fatheen and Lyana
Sorry if i missed out your name......
Today damn unlucky......
6 THINGS HAPPENED TO ME1st thing,I brought Coke then put in mah bag.....
Then the coke leaked so no extra shirt as i wrap it around the coke.....
2nd thing.my friend leaned his umbrella on my chair with the head on the sit...
i sat on it and WHAM!!!! went straight up my ass!!!!OUCHY!!!!
3rd thing,MY umbrella broke during the Actual Parade!!!!!OMG!!!
4th Thing. I lost my ATC badge!!!!That one cannot buy at beach road!!!
5th thing, I hit my head against the escalator(hard to explain)
6th thing, on my way back i got the rashes
but the parade went well overall
so yea thks for the support....
Today went fine....
But somethings are better off not told.......
Todays parade my shoulder felt cramp....Damn uncomfortable.....
Had a strong headache.......Went to 1st Aid point.....Got a panadol........
Now not so painful..........
So okay lar other then that.......
Today was fine........
Mass Workout okay okay lar.....
Then got the student counsil president Election Q&A thingy.....Was nice hearing the candidates like pai sei dunno how to answer HAHA....
So after school got training.....
Then did some stupid make belive parade and had alot of fun......
Tomorrow is the Last preview show before the actual NDP
So glad its going to be over.....