Haiz i today felt damn sian......
Morning got the Mass Workout thing so went up the gallery to do.....
Then today's classes damn boring......
i was slacking in every single one except Science
after school got Training.....
Did footdrill and honestly our drill sucks and Eugene and Zhang Lin should learn how to shut up
when falling in....
And after training meet Jackson at the pasar malam and then go home lar.....
today nothing much out of the ordinary happened....
Yesterday did the unit flag at Timothy's House....Starting to hate Snowy.....
i just sang "Can't Touch This" then it chased me......
This picture shows the not completed flag but tell me whehter good or not???

Sunday bores me....i hate sundays
Today was fine did my regular friday Morning PT and the Mass workout thingy.....
Thks to Mr Ong....You know wad you did.....and thks for it...
Our flag is going to be great!!!!!
So brought 3 2m poles but SGT Sheng Yong Said he didnt want the plastic cover...so when he took it off...it looked disgusting inside.....EWWWW
Sorry Syaiful.......
But happy Birthday!!!
Rest In Peace Mr Daniel Goh.....
The Late Mr Goh was our canteen manager for 10 years....
he was found dead in our canteen on monday.....
I am going to his wake on Friday 2 pay respect to him...
Those who want to go pls inform me
Today i was abit off.....
Morning Went to bus saw Linus.....
Then eat mac....Laugh like siao...Almost cannot eat finish burger.....Yes those who know me well should know....Eating with me sometimes cannot be good....
In school say they lighten the school Rules....
Shoes must be 50-50....
50%White the other 50% can be any colour!!!And my Fav....
Well went home talked cock with JMS and Fazrul heard me and laugh like siao.....
Daniel for counsellior President!!!
Oh YEA congrats to SGT Timothy ans SGT Fredrick on going to UDI course!!! Go and get that Orange and white lanyard!!!
today sucked well and said....
The people over there are very cocky and fucking arrogant....
i wont name but i know you.....
So when i reached home my auntie asked me to go pick up my bro frm school....
FYI he went to today's NE show.....
SIR if you're reading this
my boots are too small!!!Can help me order a size 10 boots pls....
i am getting blisters every time i come home frm ndp training
Today go school .....
Got Mass Workout....
Did Morning PT before that as well.....
did more that erm.....80-100 push ups in total i think...
Today at Hall music session....The SAF music n drama company came and did some singing...Sounded cool....
Now at Timothy's House typing this down so later continue.....
Now back at my house on the way back saw Michelle...
WTF why you ignored me??!?!?!
today when school..... Yeah yeah....Boring Stuff...
so after school got cca then design wad flag....
During Footdrill everyone marching arms forwards 100Degree and backwards 50 Degree....
Man we seriously should buck up on our standard....
after training slack at Fitness Corner ....
Sheng Yong Brought his bike.....then never let me ride...
But you should have saw how the DM!!!
Yes i said Disipline Master Mr Low riding that bike
Mr Low is very Kind sia......He give tips and teaches you how to do things...
a thumbs up for Mr Low's POSE!!!

Taking a round

Today went to slack wiht Rais, Chee and Syaiful...
then when reached home...
read my NCDCC unit blog and felt that i wasted the chance to help out in the first aid on last sunday.....
i hope the next time there is a similar event like this i swear to god that i WILL go to help out and Cheer up ppl....
today felt so emo .....
Even Anteres pointed out that my face damn emo.....
then felt Dizzy....
cant walk one straight line.....
I have no hope in maths...
Cant even do chpt 6 .......
OMG am i going to be retained????
I feel Pissed off today...Dammit lar Haiz got cold,backache and a bloody Curfew wtf8pm lehs so early wtf ......Fuck It lar
Today had NDP training....
When i reached pei hwa i realised
i didnt bring my gloves....then in the bus WAHHH so damn unlucky realise
i didnt bring my beret....OMG then i found out i stepped on SHIT!!!!! thats
3 things happened to me today....and it wasnt
even noon yet.....
Then i called my father to bring beret 4 me....
later on during umbrella drills the guy besides my hit my left eye with the umbrella by accident...
Then Saw Major Howard today he said that i get things done well but its just that i talk to much!!!I know that i tried to keep quiet but i lost...
Wad luck...yea wad luck
Later on reached home went out to eat then reached home lar.....
Today went school early .... Reached there around 7.10 am and slacked till SGT ask us to fall in .... Then went to do PT ....25 push ups and i cant tahan already and my hand trembling already
STANDARD LEH!!! not the chest expansion one leh.......Then said no workout when i reach class then i "rushed" back to the room Just as i was going to first aid SGT Sheng Yong said i doing Fitness Workout at the gallery !!!!!! I was like WTF?? so well did all the fitness but and i cant belive when doing diagonal toe reach i could touch the floor!!!!WOW i did increase my fitness....over the holidays just can't slim down ......WTF
I seriously cannot concertrate on maths i freaking suck at it ....i couldn't understand wad the teacher's methods....
I think i going to fail maths again........
Nvm bout that ....
I going the usual NDP training... AIYA why does she have to go on that day...
dammit lar i hate it ...Its just time and time again i keep on missing the chances....
Today after school saw Saravanan Cut G.I today for Hair For Hope..(Hair For Chee)
I also wanted to go but nah i already noe the feeling.....
Encik Caleb Emoing in the bus .....
Zhang Lin.....Best not to talk bout it......
Got to prepare uniform to the top notch standard!!!!!!!! i think today i going to try to make the uniform a singlet!!! HAHAHA I wonder how it looks....And still wondering how LTA Hozafa looks like in a No. 1 Uniform
Today i was feeling damn fucked
Whole day sleepy
Then got sick some how.....
during meeting sir said i lost weight pinched my stomach to check...Lolz
Later on went to see the Doctor and i found out that
I am
NORMAL!!!!!! i not overweight anymore!!!!! take that non belivers...
haha its just that i am too short haizz....
162.9 cm only...
must grow taller so next year founders day can carry the NCDCC flag with pride on next years founders day.. And hope he sec 2 learn some disipline and show some standard(including me) and Zhang Lin should learn how to respect the Sec threes....Cant belive the level of Disrespect he is showing nowadays....
Today sucked....Go school that time when i woked up i fucking dozed of....Woke up at 700 and had to reach school at 7.30!!!!!!Luckly my parents were bringing my bro to school so i "hitchiked" HahaFYI my school is in Hougang while i stay in Ang Mo Kio
When i reached school it was pouring ....
So no mass workout... Wad Luck i had to get to the gallery to do the things... like the others does...
Later on got this learning jouney...More of a waste of my fucking time...
Didnt learn a damn thing....
Fuck De Hao ar you damn asshole....
Tomorrow have doctor's appointment to check up on the weight thingy...T
The Last time i was there i was on the borderline of overweight and normal
I hope i slimed down....
Today went to Plaza Singapura, Velocity and United Square with Rais,Syaiful,Brandon,Bryan,Gerard and Chee Yang..
Chee Yang Acted like an Idiot today....as usaul.
Alot Of Funny things happened today...
I now dont feel like doing anything now....
Missing the fun in my usaul training.....
Syaiful said that i looked damn emo today...
Another NDP has come and go. I am counting one the days till the actual event. Today's training was terrific!!!!During the 1st run. The PSM (i think) was so happy with our marching in that he gave everyone the rest of the training off till the NE show!!! Thanks!!!
Before the 1st run i had a terrible headache so went to the 1st aid centre.When i asked for panadol that took my bp, temperature,and my allergies.All that just for one pill of panadol.
2nd run was also great, Its was the 1st NE show.(i think)There was so much ppl . But it wasnt sold out there was empty seat of a 2 whole sector.
After the show we met up with Johnathan, Kang Hao , Shi Jing and Nicholas at Compass Point and ate at KFC. Alot of funny things happened
Today had to reach school by 7.30 am..
So woked up at 5.50am. and go to school.
I was so freaking tired...
lucky today ended at 12.30 pm if not i sure sleep one. Through out todays Literature lesson i slept.haha
also have to prepare uniform for NDP traning tomorrow.Dammit tomorrow is the first preview show of NDP i love it !!! I feel Exicited. It was the same feeling i went through when during MFSS founders day parade when i was in GOH.Except i kept wondering how LTA Hozefa Looked like in a NO. 1 uniform..
LTA Sameer told me i should shine my boots more!! But after the 1st run the sun melted the shoe shine so tell me how to keep the shine...
Zhang Lin still angry that he doesnt have new numbers HAHA!!!
I mean seriously we going there for training not for numbers.
BTW i got my new phone!!!!!WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! *The Crowd does the wave* LOLZ
its the SE W890i its the same phone as Rais and Jackson But mine is black and black looks more sleek then Sliver
Today during school assembley got some DJs from DJs Unity came to our school to perform
At first i wasnt interested but then i got more interested in it. Then they showed some people dacing and i saw.. SGT Fredrick!!!!! Haha he danced really good. But was only for 30 sec +
Later on got Cpr training recap...
Then go home lar..