Today training damn tiring,the most tiring one to date.Today the sun was so damn freaking hot!!!!! I feel as if i was in a boiler.Today before the 1st run we had some lunch or breakfast the food was so freakin dry lolz even the Kfc later on...Before going to Pei Hua Se where the bus brings us to Marina me and Zhang Lin went to visit our squadmates for no reason then SGT Fredrick "chased" us out so we waited for arjun's father to bring us to Pei Hwa.Okay skipping boring details......
We ate and drank and went for 1st rehalsal i was freaking slacking sia....i wasnt in the "DZUL" standard as i always was.The "DZUL" standard means its the best standard of footdrill i can give and the face is different in case you dont know.The first rehalsal was,is and will always be the worst.The Sun,the people fainting,the officers shouting at you.During the rehalsal i saw Encik Firdaous. The encik that helped us with GOH training!!!!!I was shocked!!!
The second was the full dresss rehalsal. It just nice Cause the time of the day.During 5.45om plus and i felt that the "DZUL" standard kicking in. when we marched frm the suntec through the road in between marina square and the Raffles city link to the Marina bay Encik Agayle asked me to lighten up my mood cause my face looked so damn serious.Then we did the normal parade and go home!!!
Labels: NDP 08 is going to be great
This week confrim sian one lar. I still in Holiday mood sia....
I still like that i still get to see my friends......
This week confirm no feeling to school one by next week i should be fine lar...i hope
Chee yang Cant ride a bike haha
Today was a bit tiring cause in the morning Cause i have to go to school ar 7.15 for Regular training and later on 5 of us went to NDP.
Today when i reached school at 7.15am Sharp i found out that we were going to be doing PT (physical training) And going for the NDP training atfer PT.During Training i made new friends had a few laughs and all,the training today was tiring.
When we reached Suntec this morning we got our white gloves and umbrellas lolz. I got a red one and we did drills and all.
During the full dress rehalsal it was tiring and all we stood in the parade like near one hour. In Sedi-a and Senang di-ri. My legs and shoulders are sore now.
After training me Jie Ying Zhang Lin and Han Jie went to eat dinner at KFC. And i have laughed liked i never laughed before LOLZICALS
Labels: to days NDP training i a tough one
I am back.
The Thailand trip was a total waste of time and money so i rather not speak about it
i was totally stupid and dip in the pool with my Handphone in the Pocket lolz!!!
anyway i going to get a new phone!!
just when i got home i used my uncles phone with my Sim card in and i found out that Tommorow Got school Training I have the prepare uniform Of to do it.!!! AHA
I will be away from singapore from 16 of june till 20 of june so anything you want from me you can email me not SMS me okay?
Yep as the title says today was the start of the training for NDP.And i was so freakin NERVOURS!!!First Arjun's Father picked us up from the school bus stop and drop us at Pei Hwa Secondary School . When we reached there we realised that we were like 1 hour to early so we killed some time and evantually the bus driver picked us up to go to Marina. The first rehalsal started and it was fine then we went to lunch. During lunch i made some jokes and made the Girls Brigades who were sitting behind me were laughing.LOLZ
Then after that we did 3 more rehalsals. During the 3rd rehalsal someone vomitted on the parade and luckily for me i didnt go near it lolz.The was rehalsal was a killer it was so Freaking Long the fake president took his time to inspect and so on and so fourth. I tell you this is only they made us march out it would look nicer but they wanted us to jog out of the parade and it looked and felt like something was not right.
Everytime i go out for a training or camp outside of school it made me thankful for our stuff that we take for granted and this one was no different. This time it was something that everyone takes for granted and never appreciate it was WATER! I noe that we may never have enough water but i realised that most of the people that fainted was due to insufficeint water.
This training made me sore but its worth for the final thing the real parade
Labels: Todays training is great i cant wait for the next one
Tomorrow is the start of the National Day Parade. Although it is an honour everyone is expecting me to not screw up in any way possible.
The training starts frm 10am to 6pm and when it is nearing to NDP it will be extented to like 7 or 8 pm or even 9
The pressure is on for me and the other. But i noe that in order to suceed with a group you must put your teamates infront of you and show humilty and not be cocky. or at least thats wat i know
Labels: NDP is going to be a hard one for me and others
I know i am responsible of the revival of Encik Caleb's Blog.But seriously its nothing i just traded some info for it. Its more of a deal acually.So... yeah it was nothing.
Today i didnt do much but just ate Breakfast with Chee Yang and Syaiful.We were supposed to wait for Koon Siang but he changed his mind at the last minute(basket).
We ate then went home.
5 people were chosen to go to NDP this year WOOO HOOO first batch of Montfortain Ncdcc to go NDP!!
Congrats to....
LCP Arjun
LCP Han Jie
LCP Zhang Lin
LCP Jie Ying
LCP Dzulkarnain
Regards to LCP Timothy he declined the offer to go to NDP due to religions classes
(i posted this because our unit blog didnt)Lolz
And Thks to the Sec threes for giving up their spot in NDP to us
Today i went to the movies with a couple of friends and we watched the moive "KUNG FU PANDA" it was funny but i am not giving out personal spoilers so too bad.. after movie we took the MRT back to AMK and Chee Yang chased me down from the stairs in the AMK MRT Station i tripped and fell on my ass and boy.... was it ever sore.... now i sitting down on a layer of cushioning under me.....LOLX
I am back from ATC.
Whew there are some thing i liked and somethings i didn't.
Day 1
When we reached camp we were told that the whole day we would be doing High Element.
I had Height Phobia so it wad harder for me to do somethings.
First thing i did was the zip line(Flying Fox) it was Okay i was so scared that i held on to the ropes so tight.When i stoped Major Howard told them to let me down abit later because of wat i did to him last year LOL. Then we did the rock climbing i didnt do well but at least i did it better last year i went just above the red line now i went 3/4 Of the way up cause i feel pain in my left Hip.Then absailing was next i didnt do it due to fear but i felt bad cause everyone in my group cheered for me.
So next was the CRC(challage Rope) I did all three of the stations but didnt so the Jumping One lolz due to time constrains. Soon after we did the camp fire and Blah Blah Blah Did normal campfire stuff Lar.
Day 2
I woke up at 5.30am cause had to change to kayaking Attire before Pt(Short and Shirts with swimming costume inside) We Did PT at 6.30 am but it wasnt much cause i am used to much more in my own school Pt I think its cause of girls lol.So we had breakfast and start the the wet activites. My group Did the Improvised Rafting and my group did terrible cause Ppl didnt bother about some really important stuff lolz.So lets skip the painfull details of capsizing.
So we had cleaning duties and bathed and so far and so fourth.
Later on, on the bus trip back to school Mr Ong said that he was proud of us because he can see that we had changed since the last time he saw us.Btw we had INSTANT BADGE PROMOTION(i think its called like this lar).So okay i reached school ate Mac and went home
Later in the afternoon Rais called me to meet him at his block's void deck we had fun but Syaiful was not having fun cause he is in a Love Triangle lolz.When Syaiful went home me and rais started to make a song about Chee Cum(Chee Yang) compliments to the theme of Shawn Micheal.Lolz i laugh till Stomach Cramp ,lost my laughter for the day and started crying LOLZICALZ. After reaching home i am typing down this post


Labels: ATC wad part fun part painful and Chee Yang get Bullied Verbally
i am going to Camp from this monday to this tuesday. I screwed up man... I left my camping list in my shorts and it went to the washing machine lol. So i have to ask one guy to lend me but who would lend me his camping list at this time ???
Today starting was boring cause Koon Siang asked me to go eat breakfast so i bathed and changed and went down to wait for him.But he said Chee Yang not going so we didnt go lor.Speaking of Chee Yang we nver heard from him since yesterday. Maybe he went overseas.
So later in the afteroon i asked Jackson to accompany me to eat lunch(i didnt eat breakfast)So yea yea we ate and ate and laugh.So he said wanna go to AMK centre or not so i said yes and called Koon Siang to follow.When we reached Koon Siang he said he needed to go and cut his hair. Then i started to make fun of wad type of hairstyle he want to cut.So we waited inside the hairdresser shop and i pointed at a picture of Mas Selamat and pointed at him, Soon me and Jackson laugh like siao ,and i almost got kicked out of the shop lolz.
Soon we went to centre to waste time. And i asked koon siang to call Jovan.And Jovan asked us to meet him at the arcade.
So when we reached him he was wearing clothes like from a Korean drama lolzicals.While playing i disturbed Jovan with the sounds of DJ ASA and i laughed at him!!! So we played and played and realise that i was better then Jackson in Time Crisis 4!!!
Later on got the Movie BEN 10:THE SECRET OF THE OMNITRIX.i saw it before but i sure do want to see it again lolz. btw a guy my age watching cartoon is no laughing matter..
Labels: Jovan is a Korean Drama Boy
I am going to NDP for the march in/out!!!! During the "meeting"Cpt pang said that if we cock up during the NDP training he will make sure we will never get promoted and make sure we no fathers day .LOLZICALZ That was scary for me and for some others
After the "meeting" with CPT Pang Arjun,Timothy and I went to a bubble tea shop then we sat down at the nearby table and chairs after we brought our drinks.
Soon after this a girl and her Bf went to buy bubble tea as well and Arjun was looking at her,
I ask Arjun wad is he seeing in a weird tone.He said out loud:" I looking at her leg muscles."LOL when he said that i wad shocked to see the girl was near us.When she turned around to look ,me and Timo ran away leaving Arjun alone and He evantually caught up with us . Acually I dont mind people looking at other people but not saying anything out loud, apparently Arjun was stupid enough to do so..... Typical Arjun
After i reached home Jackson asked me to go his house so i went and i saw Koon Siang!! i didnt see him for almost 2 years!!!So blah blah blah i used com at Jack's house and Koon use okay i will spare you the boring details.So went home and when i reached home it was raining heavily. Wad a great timing
Labels: Arjun is stupid yes its true koon siang is wad?
YEAAHHHHH FIRST TIME USING BLOGGER!!!! i can go on for the next 5 sentences but i rather not.....
Lets get started........
Today was a boring day, Rais and Syaiful Have soccer training and Chee Yang Some kind of family meeting.So whole day stay at home damn siann.......... So used com for a few hours then bath,come out already then use com again until 8.30Pm.Then went down to do my usaul Jogging/Running Routine. During running i ran into an uncle (kind guy)which told me that when i run i should not stop so i follow his suggestion. When i came back i was tired and when i reached my com table i saw my phone Ringing. It was Cpt Pang He told me that can ask some sec 2 ppl to come tommorow for meeting .After i ask why he told me that he was looking for some ppl to see if they interested in marching during NDP. I was so excited cause it was my second dream come true (my first dream is to be the Parade Commander In NDP) to march in a National Day Parade. That was the best news i have heard in my whole LIFE.
Labels: NCDCC NDP Dzul Boring 1ST POST