So apparently, I haven't posted for almost a year now.
Then again, the blogger hype has been dead for so long, but I feel that now this blog has been like my online diary that almost no one knows about which is kind of good as I don't really want people to know that much about me.
2013 has been very eventful for me. I might have forgotten about some stuff but hey, that's on me.
So I think this post would be just remembering on what I did or at least those with photos and that I remember.
Started the year hanging out with my SCC buds, some of these people are just friends for life I swear. It's damn cool when you can start trusting people.. Of course, certain people I don't trust but here's just a photo for remembrance sake.
Heavy hitters on january with my bros!
There wasn't really anything else very eventful until the end of feb where one of my favourite class (next to IJ) has come to an end, which was my comiss class. Never had so much fun in one class, let alone an IS class which was like.. an absolute waste of time. Plus, Ms Irene is such a nice woman!
After that, the holidays came and I finally signed up to take my driving license in febuary. SCC also had the Gala Dinner! And when march came about it was time for FOC! I was a GL for the Fire group! And I swear.. I did all the preparation works for the group, which pretty much took up most of my march holidays away. Urgh my stupid DH is such a dick. But nontheless, the camp was really fun and heres a photo of my group and some of the GLs!
After that, school reopened and the first event that came was the Micro gig! (Caliph's first gig as well)
Then after that.. Probably the best day of my life, COHEED AND CAMBRIA LIVE IN SINGAPORE APRIL 23TH. I swear, I've been waiting for them to come back again ever since they came in 2010 and I miss the show. Although they played mostly their slow songs, it was still good. Plus, it was really really nice sing along to the songs that got me through tough times and good times as well. I hope they do come again. Here's a picture of my brother and I after the gig.

School resumed as per normal and it was one of my most hated semester, Digital Audio, computer networking, maths.. Omg it was so screwed up, thank god there was photography to pique my interest in that semester.. But anyway, June came about and along came the Annual concert. It was a stressful amd emotional week prior to the concert due to preperation and the concert itself.. But there was also a stupid issue with that batch's main comm.. Anyway, performed for the concert with the CREAMROLLS, or rather, Overthrown Regime. It's always good to make and play music alongside your bros.

After that in july, the montfort boys met up for a BBQ over at Darren's place. I miss my bros. <3 nbsp="" p="">
August came around, and we met up with Seow before he enlisted into the National Service.
Then, I went and celebrated my birthday at tioman with my poly friends!(Again, I know)
This holidays was kind of tiring and eventful still because with only a day in between each event, I went to tioman, had a good time (Tried drinking for the first time, oops), then I had the SCC Annual Camp which I was the camp cheif for. Lastly, I went to Bandung with my family. Lastly, I had a chalet with my montfort bros, in which I got drunk(HA HA HA). So here are just a photo each from each event. .(August - Sept)
The new semester came about and oh god this semester has been really fun so far. In october, Dan called me up and asked me to help out for an event for the piano club! Which was my first event that I shot!
November came about and Caliph finally started recording our song, Beautiful Decay!
Much thanks to Hosni and Basement studios for being so nice, friendly and patience to us.
I visited the SEA Aquarium as well! And Boy, it was really really nice!
I helped BFF shot their Band // 2014 photos as well! I'm so happy that my friends has that kind of faith in my to let me help them out.
December came along and I went to the illumi run along with Gavin and Nat! It was a fun run but the after party wasn't really my thing. But still, It was a lot of fun!
Only recently, we had a BBQ/pizza party over at Jon's!It was damn fun and I drank.. Again. (It's kinda of a big deal to me) Had a good talk with Tim and Darren that day. Really Appreciate.
I shall post on my more emotional and personal stuff on my next post. Till next time!
Well, its the last day of 2012.
So I just here is the cliché end of the year post? hahah!
But first, let me sum up what I did since the last time i blogged.
Well, I wasted my holidays away without doing anything productive.. but at least i hung out with my friends whom I didn't see for quite some time! There was the Montfort bros chalet but it wasn't that fun honestly..There was also the EE Society recruitment camp! Which was A LOT of fun!
Then the second semester started.. It kinda sucks..
My timetable is terrible!
And there was the FAME concert thing where the people from FAME sucked big time. Cocky people. But SCC performances brought the house down! There's also the visit to Lion Studios.. And gosh, I think I might want to Intern there! There was also EE got Talent when I helped
out with under the EE society. And my coursemates won the show! Happy mai kai!
In addition, And the stay over at the loft was great!
And there was this trial show with my band perform! Here's a video!
And lastly, the end of the world. HAHAHAHAH!
Anyway, in summary, this year hadn't been a good one for me.
I mean, I met so many great friends this year, from NP, from AVT, from EE and from SCC.
And I've had many great things happen to me, like a new band: Caliph, my O level and first semester grades and lastly, great classmates, a new family: SCC. And I think I've finally moved on. (:
But the negative things just overweights the positives.
First, my original group of friends from my sec school.. We're all slowly deteriorating and drifting apart.
I haven't been very cheery or been myself since the start of this sem. I've also quit another band of mine: Cryptic Memo. I love those guys, but I just don't like that it's becoming a serious band now. And it really sucks to want to quit but I have to. I feel lonely all the time despite being around friends all the time and i just don't really look forward to life i guess? I might seem happy all the time but honestly, I feel empty and all inside maybe because I have been single for too long. And I just feel so out of place around my family sometimes. And that includes my extended families. I don't hate them, but sometimes I just feel like I just don't belong or something. And I really hate how I cannot get close to a friend of mine who's a girl and everyone thinks that we have something on. It's been happening for too many times in Poly and its damn annoying.
But thankfully, 2012 is going to be over and I can leave all of these behind and hopefully 2013 would be positive for me. See you next year! Bye!
So its been about 2 months since I've last blogged so I'm just going to summarize everything up nicely!
Erm, just to start things off.. Life's been pretty good :D
So yea.. Throughout july and mid august was mainly used to study, project work and of course the end of the semester exams. So yea, Exams went well. But I didn't had a good feeling about my results (My results are further down this post).
So after the exams, I went to EE's nature trip to tioman!! Had a great time snorkeling and hanging out with my AVT peeps and Mahathir (Sorry, you're not in AVT. HAHA). Also along with new friends I've made throughout the trip!
The cool peeps were Noel, Syaf, Jasmine, Amirah, LiWen, WeiYi, Mat, Agus, Irfan, Sherlene and WeiBin!) :D And.. These are the awesome people that I stuck with throughout the trip!
So.. After that was the SCC camp!! It wasn't as fun as I expected it to be (my expectations were damn high) but it still turned out to be an enjoyable camp!
Was in the group with Marcus, Ahmad, Sufyan, Rio, Nathalie, Syaf and WeiBin!
I was in the group "Ironman", it was an Avengers themed camp.
This was ironman!! (Taken from my Mac)

So yea.. I bought a China crash and it broke about a month later by some guy in SCC cause I left it in the studio. -.-
Oh well, it was a lesson learnt. RIP crash cymbal. ):
And yea, other than these few activities, I've basically hung out everyday, jamming or just plain slacking around. Haha!
Alright, now for my results.
My first semester module results and GPA are as follows...
Computer programming: B+
Engineering Math 1: A
Electronic Technology: A
Engineering Mechanics: AD
Idea Jumpstart: B+
Multimedia Authoring: AD
Sport And Wellness: PX
Overall GPA: 3.8636
When I saw these results in the morning.. I just went.
I'm so happy I made my parents proud and even surprised myself!!
So yea.. Not much else to update other then my feelings..
Yes, same girl again for the past 2 years, I'm so emotionally confused..
I should probably move on..
And yea, apparently, Syaf told me a lot of girls kinda like me..
But I don't and I don't know how to react to all these.. Gosh.
And I'm proud of the fact that I've been to friday prayers every week ever since poly started :D
I hope this continues and I'll pray as much as I possibly can! :B
And yea, Montfort bros chalet in the coming week. Will post about that later.
So.. Let me be straightforward here..
One of my classmates, Angel Tan Teck Ying, passed away yesterday.
Angel was really a nice person, she's forever smiling, terribly optimistic and just an all round cheerful person.
My strongest memory of her, was just talking to her regarding our future plans and our paths we wanted to take during a random studying session a few months back.
And now..
I just can't believe she's just gone just like that.
The cause of her death was that she took some medicine, got drowsy and somehow, fell off her balcony window and yea.. straight down 10 floors to the hard unforgiving concrete.
All in all, she passed away by accident.
I wasn't close to Angel, but having someone you know and see almost everyday who is now gone, its not a very easy thing to get used to.
There's really never a day that goes by without her smiling and joking around.
I regret not really talking to her a whole lot and especially not going for the outing she organised last friday. Who would have knew she would be gone just like that.
The thing that really got to me the most is that, she was younger than I am right now.
I know its only a year difference, but still...
And when I saw the casket and her face, it boggled my mind a lot. I don't know what to say really.
I just hope you're happy up there, with god
All I can really say is.. whatever I posted on your wall which I will post up here if you can see it.
Hey Angel,
I know we weren't like the closest friends but I did enjoy our short period of time together as classmates and friends. There wasn't a day that goes by without you smiling and I envy your optimism and your positive attitude.
All this is sudden and quite frankly, I don't know how to take it all in right now. But at least now, you're in a better place, in the hands of god.
It was nice to have known you. Rest In Peace.
Love, your annoying classmate,
Dzul "
Rest In Peace, Angel Tan Teck Ying
(This was the only upclose picture I had with you with your best friend in our class, Amirah. Whom was very devastated upon knowing your passing)
Thankfully, I'm glad to have such wonderful friends around me to comfort me.
This brought up something in my mind..
Her death reminded on how my other two relatives passed away just this year.
First, it was my uncle. Cik Azman.
All I know is, he has been fighting cancer for a couple of years..
His condition got worser and worser and eventually he succumbed to the cancer.
I pity his family cause he was the sole breadwinner of his family and I hope everything is arranged well to aid them financially.
Secondly, it was my grandaunt, Umm Poh.
I was never close to her but she passed away while being in the ICU trying to fight her worsened sickness that she was struggling with for the past few years.
I don't know what to say, but from now on. I'll try not to take anyone for granted, and seize the day everytime I'm with them.
I realised how fragile life is and how easy it is to lose someone.
The reality really hit me hard.. I really don't know what to say about this.
I just really hope no one dear to me will, touch wood, pass away. But I know, its only a matter of time.
On a sidenote, workload is getting higher and higher with each passing week. I feel like I'm going to die soon.
And going back to my unit's POP really made me miss my NCDCC days with all my mates.
This would be the last parade I attend as the rest of the people in the unit I am no longer close to.
Till the next time, goodbye
So its been 3 months since I've last blogged so here goes...
Working in Arvato was so much fun! Best job I've had so far!
Everyone there is so nice but until every gets stressful. Its kinda scary.
Anyway.. I earned like a total of $2700 but cpf reduced it to about only $2100 or so?
Oh well, and the stupid part is, I can't seem to bear to part with a single cent
I've earned cause I'm such a fucking miser and that I over think too much. SHIT.
Anyway, I'll miss them all in Arvato. (':
When for a chalet with my bros and I must say, I had a hell of a time.
The getaway which I really needed and we all had crazy fun!
Oh after working was the NP EE bonding camp..
Quite a decent camp really.. But the people there are so nice!
But I felt that is was kinda badly organised..
And guess what, I got the best male camper award during that camp! :d
I don't even know how though, considering I didn't really do much that made me
stand out. Oh well~ Was in the tribe Vanuatu!
So yea, was put into NP's annual Dance For Fund competition.
Thought it was kinda of a drag at first, but its actually kinda fun!
And I wore a pink shirt and make up for the first time!
But overall, I guess the best part of these two events is that I've made a lot
of good friends and how happening the EE crowd were.
This is a video of the actual performance
So sometime after that Lessons started..
I don't like it as about 4 modules I take now has nothing to do with my course now.
But of course, I did try somehow cause I want a high GPA! I must make it to uni~
My eltech lecturer is kinda of an idiot and my as always my maths is forever pulling me down. I HATE THIS.
And whoever told me that poly is to enjoy life LIED. I find myself not having enough personal time because of poly stuff. I'm like reaching home very late every day and a lot of work on my hands as well. Oh well, at least the people nice still..
But I can't stand of my course mates.
One weirdo who treated me as if I was her freaking boyfriends despite only knowing
for two days when that happened.
A couple of "princesses" who think they are the best and etc.. Annoying people.
But the group I usually hang out with, are all nice chaps! And I'm definitely sure I'll stick with them till end of poly life. (':
Common tests were last week and I think I'll do pretty decent.
I'm actually hoping my eltech and Maths marks won't be that low as I really want a good GPA.
I miss secondary school life. All those trouble making, trying not to get caught.
The carefree life and etc. I really miss it. I miss 5A2. Secondary school life.. In montfort, will be but a memory from now on. It tears me whenever I remember my time in montfort, the bond I've made. The conflicts with both students and teacher I've had. And my life in NCDCC. Gosh, I miss it all.
And yea, same problems again on a personal note.
I've been over thinking too much and always find myself to be stuck in the past.
Why can't I move on? I don't know why.
And I feel like such a dick for what I did to some people in the past..
I wish I didn't know how to feel guilt. How I wish to move on and find someone new.
Lastly, my dad has been going through the ballooning procedure for a couple of times this year so far. And I hope he lasts for a long time. Although I don't show it, I really love my family a lot despite the lack of communication at home.
I really wish my parents will live long enough to be able to carry their grandchildren in their arms.
Until next time then! Ciaos~
Its been a long while since I've last updated this blog!
(That no one bothers to read besides myself!)
Nothing much has happened yet but I'll just give y'all a slight update on my life!
After 2 months, this week is my final week working for arvato before I go on with my poly life!
And I got my macbook for poly, and I don't like it. So MANY problems.
In addition, I'm not excited about starting my poly life at all.
I am Giant's gig was awesome and I got invited to their private bar after their gig!
There are all freaking nice guys, heres me and the singer together
Just came back from a chalet with my Montfort and St Gabs bros and it was what I needed!
A chance to escape from the fast paced, every changing world. It was exactly what I needed because I've been feeling like a fucking piece of shit for the past month before this.
A lot can happen in three years.. Change the only constant thing in life right?
Well, I hate change.
My best friends from three years ago, we used to be so tight
we didn't have to talk very often but we could understand each other very well.
Two years ago, those two moved on to their tertiary education and I stayed on
in secondary school to do my O levels. Nothing much change yet then.. but now?
For one of them, it feels that we have drifted apart so badly that now whenever
I talk to her, or rather, IF somehow I get to talk to her, it feels like I'm talking to
just some random friend I knew from back then.
For another one, it feels as if I'm not worthy enough to talk to her. Like as if her friends
are just so much more better then me now. Its still as easy to talk to her, but she constantly
drops me down.
And being me, I over think a bit too much. What's going on guys?
In addition, my brothers from secondary school too. If feels as though everyone has huge ass
egos. Everyone just much rather hang with their friends outside of school and not hang with each other or just giving himself too much self-constraint. Theres 6 of us and everyone has their own issues. One of us think that he is like the coolest amongst all, thinking everyone must accommodate to his liking, another one with huge ass attitude, one with like so pessimism and the list goes on and on. And what I hate is, no one can agree with each other and picking fights with each other. It wasn't like this back in the past. And I got a feeling, our friendship now.. Is just living on borrowed time.
I hate change, what happened to the time when we all just didn't gave a fuck and did anything and everything together? No matter what we did, where we did it, who we did it with, when we did it or how we did it. We just just did it together. Everyone is just so getting caught up with
the trends, the peer pressure from outside friends and their personal egos. I hate change so fucking much. I miss my friends, the ones from the past.
But after saying all that, maybe nothing has really changed. Maybe the one who has changed is me? Maybe everything's main reason was actually my doing. Maybe everyone just starting to treat each other different because they were afraid that I would just judge them.
Maybe because I am this guy that was the main influence of everyone to change.
If this is really true.. I'm sorry guys. Maybe my existence is just a hindrance to the way you live your life. Maybe I should just slowly just fade away from everyone.
Please guys, I hope you all read this and realise how I much hate how everyone is changing.
Hello there! Sorry I haven't been updating! I've been busy!
But then again, I doubt anyone reads this now.
Anyway, a lot has happened in the past few months so let me just get to it!
I spent most of dec just slacking at home.. Not finding a job..
I spent three weeks of January working before i quite cause I couldn't
stand how screwed up the bosses are!
I got my O level results back and I'm super satisfied with my results! :D
At first, we all lined up to get our results.. Then the principal shows the
statistics of the results and seems as if our school had not done very well
for both the NA and Express students.
Soon, we were each given our individual results..
When I got my results I raged cause my DnT had gotten an A2. LOL!
A while later, I looked at my other results and I jumped around my classmates
then i just laid on the floor! I had gotten 14 points!
Here are the individual results for my subjects:
Eng : B4
Maths : B3
Comb Humans : B3
Comb Science : A2
DnT : A2
Total up, I got 14 points!
Which was my target since the start of this year!
I was super dissapointed in my DnT cause I wanted an A1 terribly!
But thankfully, through some impossible mean.. MY HUMANS GOT B3 OMGWHUT
I totally expected a C6! I was also shocked to have an A2 for my sciences!
Eng and Maths wasn't very surprising though!
Then I applied for JAE and had gotten Audio Visual Technology at Ngee Ann!
Which was what I wanted since the start of sec4!
The sms i got that morning that notified of my results kinda spoiled my mood somehow
cause I kept thinking the limited future prospects I will have with my diploma but
I decided to just work hard and pursue something else in uni! :D
Thank god AVT has an Engineering background!
Well, what else is new...
I met a lot of great people there and have a a lot of fun! No one should pass up a chance
to attend Red Camp!
I'm going to start working again tomorrow at some unknown area of singapore
working for Microsoft as a Admin assistant! 8 bucks per hour should be good enough!
I do hope there won't be stress while I'm doing the job! Pleaseeeee~
In addition, I do hope all my buddies from secondary and primary school do stick together
and keep in contact.. I'm terribly afraid that we'll all go our separate paths and that our friendship would be just something that I can only relive in my memories.
I'll forever have 2A3, 3A3, 4A3, 5A2, Charlie 2007 and NCDCC in my heart. Without this people i doubt my life wouldn't be interesting to live through.
I don't want it to be like my relationship now with my supposed best friend.
I feel as though she had moved on to poly and changed drastically.
I really cannot name what part of her had changed but she had changed and
every time I talk to her, it just doesn't feel like its the same person I knew back then.
She even blocked me from her blog now. Go figure. What can I do?
Every time I try to talk to her she constantly shuns me away with cold replies.
But really? What can I do? What in the world could I possibly do?
Its her choice, as far as I'm concerned, she doesn't feel like a person
I could talk to about anything and someone I could go to to talk about any problems I have.
Or it could possibly be me. I could have been the one who changed. Oh well, everyone knows
I'm not that kind who will try very hard to revive something that's already way dead.
I got to know this girl.. She's a malay, and she's the first malay girl I've fallen for
since 2009. She's very sweet, very kind, fun to be with, very easy going, cute and we have
a lot of common interests. I do hope I can take it far with her. We'll just have to wait and see
now won't we?
Oh well, I'll update as soon as I can.
I will blog soon!
How do I begin this post?
How about....
Tomorrows my 3rd last paper for the O levels! My thoughts on each papers..
For Eng P1/2 I just hope i made sense!
For Maths P1/2 I just hope moderation doesn't screw me over
Sci (Chem) was awesomeeeeee!
Sci (Physics) wasn't too bad!
Comb (Geog) was a bitch i swear! ):
Comb (SS) wasn't too bad but damn, Bonding didn't come out.
I'm glad Sri Lanka came out though!
DnT was just freaking great!
Anyway, my prelims 2 results were
Eng : C5
Maths : C6
Comb Sci : C6
Comb Humans :B4
DnT : A1
Totally shocked at my humans results.. Oh well.
And i still can't fail any subjects!
Wish me luck for my Science MCQ and CLB papers for the next few days!
And after wednesday.. FREEDOM!
After O levels, I hope I could find another great place to work at
like last year at NAS. I love working there!
I've have been thinking about my NCDCC life during the past few days..
Gosh, How I miss those days of pumping, being commanded and commanding.
Really really miss all my seniors, squadmates, juniors.. I meant all my friends
who were in that CCA during my time there. Sometimes, I wish I had
a time machine just to relive those times and to correct my mistakes I've made.
But then again, if it weren't for mistakes, I wouldn't be who I am right now.
Oh well..
Anyway, till next time!
Its been awhile since i last posted.
Just an update, Prelim ones are over.
My results are :
Eng - C5
Maths - E8
Comb Sci (Phy :50/100, Chem 58/100)- C6
Comb Humans (SS 30/50, Geog 2/50) - C6
Dnt - A1
Class position 2/31, Level 8/odd 100.
L1R4 : 26
Overall, i met my target of just passing everything.
And I even got an A1! :D
But i'm terribly dissapointed at my maths. I thought i could have passed.
I should learn to check my answers. 16 careless mistakes in paper one is no joke.
And i need to get rid of this complacency and procrastination i have.
I really want to do well, my parents need to be proud of this fat boy blogging here.
Prelim 2 season and I started of with a bad note.
I screwed up my whole science practical.
But I think i'll do well for Eng, SS and Geog!
I need to buck the fuck up. O levels are just 50 odd days away.
I don't want to waste a year here and go back to ITE.
I don't want to lose out to my cousins. I need to get at least 10 to
get on par with their results. Its disgraceful enough to be in NA with a bunch
of cousins in Express or special streams.
Just to let you know.
My aim for O levels are :
Eng : A1
Maths : A1
Comb Sci : B3
Comb Humans : B3
DnT : A1
L1R4 : 9
I want to get this results, i cant afford to fail a subject.
If not I'll be in ITE.
I'm kinda happy with my class. Constantly encouraging each other,
or making each other feel better. Espacially DnT boys.
I'll definitely miss this class the most amongst the other classes i've been in.
I'm glad to have Claire to talk to no matter what. Thank god for her if not i'll be in a great deal of stress right now.
I'm also grateful for having the bunch of friends I hang out with,
sometimes I wonder what would I be if i didnt know them. Love you guys. (:
I miss my NCDCC Charlie squad too. We all need to meet up ASAP.
Ps, I'm turning 17 this saturday. I want to see who will really remember.
But fuck it, wishes are good enough. (:
Hari Raya is this coming tuesday, I've been fasting everyday since 1st. (:
O levels orals are on wednesday, need to ace it. I need my A1.
Recently, old problems is back to haunt me.
Sometimes i wonder, is it possible for me to be with her.
I highly doubt it.
Okay, till next time.
Its been months since i last stepped foot on HTA grounds.
Today was my junior's SNCO POC and i went down to congratulate them.
I am very proud of them. And they were under my command two years ago and were
just blur 13 year old kids. Now they've grown and will be going through the same
things that happened to be two years back.
Seeing the spirit, the friendship and teamwork just made me think back to
what happened two years ago. When it was my SNCO course and my own POC
The people there has changed, there were a handful whom i knew.
Back then, I knew almost everyone. Such a change.
Its been two years, I lost contact with many I knew from SNCO back then.
During the bus ride from woodlands till hougang. I started reminiscing
my experiences. I wish I had a chance to relive what happened two years ago.
I want to relive 2009. The best year of my NCDCC life.
I miss everyone. I want to have a chance, to just live through everything once again.
Sadly, life goes on and I have no say over time.
Just an update on my school life.
I've completed my DnT artifact last week. I hope it will score enough for me to
get an A1. I really need an A1 for my DNT as its the subject i have hopes of having
an A1.
I need to buck up on my humanities. If not its ITE for me.
No way i'm wasting one year of my life to go to ITE.
Dzul, you need to buck the fuck up. You'd better not dissapoint everyone
who has hopes of you.